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Chalky goes to night school and studies the Classics

986986 views55 comments44 favs

I don’t even want to think about Aethra shtupping Posiden and Aegeus

Trip the Rime

986986 views1717 comments1010 favs

politics only add to assault and distract


986986 views99 comments44 favs

Fear I’ll be stuck here without a ladder

Figures in Disquieting Landscapes

986986 views1313 comments1010 favs

Tentacles hold fast to the small/ thrashing thing they believe is true// which, devoured, once crushed/ completely still, turns into shit,

Beowulf in Hell

986986 views00 comments00 favs

They strung him up, stowed on the balcony, and beat him with sticks, and beat him with rocks, and bent his muscles, …

Precipice of Questions

986986 views88 comments44 favs

He stood with the bride of quietness / on the precipice of questions

Give Back the Moon

986986 views1010 comments77 favs

to us! Without it we are less than human and cannot guarantee your safe passage through our woods any more. Give us back the moon. It is the primary element in the makeup of our deepest breaths taken to invoke all cycles to continue. It contains…

Night Of The Ghouls

986986 views11 comment11 fav

The following is a true story. Though it happened 35 years ago, it happened last night too. Everyday a new convert is welcome, a new tapestry begun. A new hunger is born.


986986 views11 comment11 fav

Lester walked back into the house. He was hungry but didn’t know what he wanted to eat. Really, he couldn’t remember how to fix anything he wanted. He walked over to turn on the television, but couldn’t find the on/off button. Surely the damn thing had an

This Pretty Business

986986 views55 comments66 favs

Oh it's another one of those strange thrill rides slowly building from a buzz saw whisperinto cool morning's consciousness, coming on and crawling through the moon's mattress like a silver stream and under the dented pillow where…


986986 views11 comment00 favs

I saw the little family that lives under the neighbor's backyard deck two weeks before while decapitating grasslets

Undressing The Moon

986986 views33 comments00 favs

the white moon is dangling by a thread tonight you close your eyes and listen to it undress and suppress, suppress you listen to it undress while you yourself hang lifeless in your own arms not meaning to do yourself any harm, not

Consider The Son

985985 views55 comments22 favs

Don’t forget, I’ve watched the evil you’ve done to the lawn for years, not to mention the chaos you’ve made of the woodshed. Don’t you remember me showing you how to properly stack the wood?

77 Words About Nothing (4.05.2012)

985985 views00 comments00 favs

I sold my ego to pay a parking ticket. And then I wrote 77 words about mental health.

Museum Story Listening

985985 views00 comments00 favs

A sort of invocation of the open sky, in contradistinction to the dark of the Earth whence came the specimens, a figurative marriage of the literal darkness of exploration and the figurative light of knowledge.

Leda, After the Swan

985985 views11 comment00 favs

I do not jerk up to sirens birds doorbell shouts hello hello through the letterbox hello

Hunger: A Prayer

985985 views22 comments00 favs

Prayer: Cold prayers in her throat, so far all unanswered. This thing grows steadily, unmistakably, cobbling counterfeit cells and flesh together into an unspeakable mass.

“The Confession of the Sorcerer of Darkness”

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A dark and mysterious account of an ancient traveler seeking arcane literature, and the miserable results to him after he receives what he sought.

How to Cheer Up a Sad Song

985985 views22 comments22 favs

It's one of the most difficult problems of aesthetic philosophy: What do we mean when we say that a song is sad? None of the big names--Aristotle, Kant, Croce–Benedetto, not Jim–come close to answering it.


985985 views33 comments11 fav

i ask you what i taste like and you say "not much."


985985 views33 comments22 favs

In my mind the village of 300 souls is called Nedoweska, but I confess that that's just a dreamy nickname I had for it as a boy. For various geopolitical reasons it had since become noteworthy as a historical site, though our interest was purely personal.…

Edward Ogle the Ninth

985985 views44 comments33 favs

Vanilla bean trampoline

Having Fun With Literature

985985 views77 comments22 favs

"The tundra was as cold and barren as Mother Theresa's womb."


985985 views11 comment00 favs

“Do you have a job? Are you going back to school,” I asked, you know, because I’m hip like that.

Staying With Mattie

985985 views88 comments88 favs

I invited Henry to go out with me and Marge, suggesting he ask Ellen who he dated a while back and who still asked about him, but Henry shook his head “no” and said “out things” were just too boring at our ages — and besides, since his…

The Nurse

985985 views1111 comments99 favs

I lay on a table in a cold room in one of those little blue gowns that open in back.

The Body in the Other Room

985985 views1717 comments1111 favs

I couldn’t parse the grammar of her body nor decode the secret softness of her neck.

The Ballad of the Summer Grains

985985 views1717 comments1010 favs

It is a day of swallows and grasshoppers, of white clouds and suntanned arms. In the yellow field wheat ears burn, lit by fantasies. One of wheat, one of rye. Summer love, holiday love is in the air. Under the thickness of the harvest, their roots search, call each other.…

God Wanted Us to Come Here

985985 views00 comments00 favs

Betty had been looking for a distraction; the lawsuits were out of control. Her last nonprofit, Faith and Life Children's Organization, had run into some difficulties due to the recession and the obvious result of trying to do more with less. Why couldn't people…

Breaking Bread at Al Qalzam

985985 views33 comments11 fav

My first time alone with the women in Saudi Arabia...