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5th and Washington

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“This horrible street. I hate this neighborhood,” she cursed.

Hunting Season

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A mundane endeavor depicted as a quest. Try it, you'll like it!

What the Other is Thinking

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Six months passed and the lovers decided speaking was no longer a necessary component in their relationship. They did this over breakfast, delicately spooning pink triangles of grapefruit into their mouths. Not a word spoken.

Capital Offense

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They can’t exterminate the poor just yet

The Dryad

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So into the woods we went, hoping to open a portal into the netherworld of make believe. I had a feeling we would see nothing, but she believed in me. At the very least I would spend a few very nice days backpacking in the wilderness.

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 12

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Frank was happy to leave the art show and take the train back to SoHo.


10011001 views88 comments88 favs

PATHOLOGY How awful it is to dissect a marriage! It lays naked on the therapist's steely table. He makes his first incision into the bloated stomach of our malnourished union. He polishes his glasses and peers, cuts the thin taut skin of our…

Border Town Dawn/There's a Momentary Cloud (Reach for the Sky)

10011001 views77 comments55 favs

Border town meant one thing; we were caught up real good in the middle of something preternaturally dangerous; and understanding was at the very least a hundred miles or so away in either direction. All I…

The Judge's Wife Part 3

10011001 views44 comments22 favs

Everything clicked.

They Wanted Songs about Love but Got Idle Chatter.

10011001 views77 comments33 favs

Granddad listened to Elvis and then he would talk more or less the entire night. “Mystery Train” was Sam Phillips' song. Then Presley recorded it, but did it up different, sounded much faster so you could feel your hair blow back a bit. …

Why Things Are Just OK with Me

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With such demeaning precarity, I can’t read/ anything more than a thousand words

Under The Tree

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There were echoes all around them, their shadows delirious and only existed in short spurts under the breath of the streetlights. They danced as their cigarettes leaked calligraphy across the night sky and she tried to trace it with her finger. He asked her what it said…

Dust to Dust

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He began to chop the powdery substance and separate it into segments.

Du Fu's spring scene

10011001 views66 comments66 favs

state a shambles, mountains and rivers endure./meanwhile, the city hides amidst spring's thick growth . . .

Seasons of You

10011001 views55 comments22 favs

Summer, Spring, Winter, Fall, the Good Lord made them all.


10011001 views77 comments66 favs

We wanted so much to find ourselves in a beautiful world. It was, and is, but every inviting leaf has got another hidden dangerous precedent that must be surrendered to in order to survive to see another sunset with the ones you actually…


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"You've got white privilege and hot privilege," a Latina friend told me in 2015 when we shared the same taste in dollar store blue lipstick.

Live Oaks

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Neither/ evergreen nor exactly deciduous./ And soon, a yellow residue of pollen/ smearing hoods and windshields

Long Division

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This energy said, "Fuck it, I am going to be the fucking sun." In it’s language it sounded more like "Khershhhhhhh Hhhhhhhhhhh Zirshhhhhhh."


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DRA musical - 1942… Open on the General Jackson crowded with Marines, headed to (Tennessee Base),at the front of the ship, young men laughing, unrealistic military dreams/wordless chatter... LET IT RIDE .. main character is a marine en route to base...Solo verse,…


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Gamo knows the Master doesn't make idle requests and orders the secret issue of weapons to the student priests, who now stand gathered at Kang's back. Swords, spears and shields are quietly handled and hidden from the Mantidean's view. Dr. Kang continues

To the Folksinger Just Arrived

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Whisper salutations to your irises

Teeth - Yet Another Obsession

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The teeth I want must hold significance. Like the quote, “it’s not the destination that matters, it’s the journey,” for me, it’s the connection that I’ve had with someone and the story behind the lost tooth that interests me.


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What do I understand? What have I mastered or come to terms with?

Black Widow - Snack Whore

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“Psst."I paused in my tracks as I walked in front of the building where Two Doughboys used to be.I looked around. The streets were deserted. I saw the big “For Rent” sign in the empty window where the sweet smell of pizza used to emanate. “Over…

The Ache of Logic

10001000 views33 comments11 fav

There is a the reason for the theft of people and the melting of gold

Advice to the Lovelorn at the Mall

10001000 views66 comments44 favs

Beware of shouting Dress Barn, Dress Barn! when having an orgasm And don’t tell him you were seeing Starbucks when you came

Table for one

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Black tagliatelle with squid and funghi porcini. He didn't understand why they called it a special, it had been in the menu since day one they had opened.

The Thrill of a Lifetime

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I honestly can’t say, with Lynda, who cheated first. More than likely Lynda did, because I know she was pregnant when I came home from college for the summer (this was 1963) and we had to go out and find a doctor who would give her some pills to get rid

When I Met the Mountain Man

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I am young. This is years before I start to hide my accent.