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Well Enough Away

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Everybody knew the buildings were trying to kill us.

That's Unethical!

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My husband says you don’t have to tip the owner of an establishment, just employees. I never heard of that rule, and suspect it is another example of him just being cheap.

Why I Don’t Drink

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He had that kind of connection / with his cocktails, intimate / sort of like a boy and his dog. // Cocktails have in any case / saved him from the bottom / of many dark wells. /

On Learning a Lover Died a Suicide

10251025 views44 comments33 favs

I got the news that you had died as I was eating American chop suey, watching the Celtics.

Prairie Flowers

10251025 views55 comments11 fav

As a kid he had run away from the family farm and shoveled coal back East to put himself through college. Now he was just another old man in a nursing home, desperate for a drink, his blue eyes bleary, a sticky goo filming at the corners of his lips.

Dear Friend

10241024 views44 comments11 fav

Dear Friend: As a visitor to Wonderland in the past, you are truly among our most treasured friends. It is the enthusiasm for whimsy such as yours that spurs us to continue to provide perplexing chaos for which we are so widely esteemed, the better to

Mutual Respect

10241024 views33 comments22 favs

Then, relieved to have cleared the air, they peacefully returned their way of living.

Black Friday Crime Scene

10241024 views55 comments33 favs

Her name was Christine and she was nailed to the cross of their lust and their greed, and their vengeance

If Only it Were So

10241024 views88 comments44 favs

In the moment I crinkle the aluminum foil, The sandwich now a deeper Part of me

Accepting New Patients

10241024 views88 comments88 favs

You've had some truly awful shit pumped into your brains for years at a time now. The practice started a long time ago. It's not always your fault. The only lasting way to get it out of your head is to go and figure out exactly where…


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I'm waiting for your voice. My trembling hand is so damp the phone could slip from my fragile grasp at any moment. Each ring burns in my ear and makes the washing machine in my stomach tumble faster and faster. After three rings, or it could be four, or forty, I hear…

Annals of the Naked Rowdies #532

10241024 views55 comments11 fav

Bardan O'Connor stared at himself in the mirror but didn't recognize the image before him. He was pale and looked like death. He tried to psyche himself up for the latest show with a shot of Irish whiskey. He slapped himself hard in the face. "Get it together man." The…

Everything Has Been Arranged (or, Chamomile Tea at Ten Thousand Feet)

10241024 views22 comments00 favs

The building ejects my condominium like an enormous videocassette.

intensely interested (but repressing it)

10241024 views33 comments11 fav

whenever i see youit feels like birds are flyingin and out of my facemy head is ghost-like and birds flythrough iti want to hold the birds insidemy head and turn them intosex maniacs

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.3 - c.2

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Mayumi ran. She ran fast as if her life depended on it. She never looked back. She did not care about her friends. Mayumi just wanted to escape that world more than ever, but she did not get far.

The Judge's Wife Part 4

10241024 views88 comments44 favs

—Well, are you having an affair with Jack Mahler?


10241024 views22 comments00 favs

I gazed into her soft eyes. I was a little scared. This...this meant something.We'd "accidentally" played footsies and I could feel my lonely feet finally touching the floor."Please listen carefully to these safety instructions — even if you are a frequent flyer…

Across from Margaret Atwood's House

10241024 views11 comment11 fav

Been running so long You've been running so long I bet you can't remember What you're running from

Chapter 1

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“The King,” he paused, pursed his lips, looked across the crowd of eager and fearful citizens of Ki, “is dead!”

The Town, Part 1

10231023 views33 comments22 favs

Waiting for the light to turn, his mind wandered, wondering how it was that bridges of this sort collected stories. Old thru truss bridges with grated deckings, or any older bridge for that matter. The stories seemed to have died out since the concrete

20. Smitten

10231023 views1010 comments99 favs

Your tunamelt cadence / Sank me to ocean floors

Cloud Shaped Like a Heart

10231023 views55 comments55 favs

The man who will lead you can be nothing if not already found underneath the light-heartedness of heaven, (dawn) if not under the light-heartedness of snow. He would have to have happiness already sewn into his soul. He bears no burdens


10231023 views44 comments44 favs

Robert Frost told me that life goes on, but that’s just not good enough for me and for God’s sake it shouldn’t be good enough for you either, should it?

Good boy.

10231023 views44 comments33 favs

It’s quite simple - don’t move. No fake or feint - just stand your ground. The fixed gaze, the thousand yard stare, hold your place.

Gator v. Funky Worm: Which Office Party Dance to Choose?

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It’s that time of year. The combustible mixture of booze, poinsettia corsages and the soulful sounds of Eddie Venturi and the Fastidians will cause people to get up and dance at holiday office parties who have no business doing so.

Billing Notice

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Due to recent enhancements to our billing system, the rate per unit for your basic service can no longer be determined.

Ode to an Afro (or Going Natural in a Corporate World)

10231023 views44 comments11 fav

In praise of the colorful flock with crowns of teased cotton candy rising high above Modular walls, stalled operating systems staling coffee and pale corner offices

Ashes to Ashes

10231023 views66 comments33 favs

Day by day people went missing. Reports of the ads being answered with a robocall solution to their problems were at first unconfirmed. Yesterday my best friend told me his emotional distress call was going to be channeled into a free trip to what he call

Diary of a Bolshoi Potato Dancer

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“Is that an erect annual plant in your codpiece, Mr. Flax, or are you just glad to see me?”

Greetings From Karma City!

10231023 views33 comments11 fav

A friend of mine died and went to heaven. At least I thought he went to heaven. I mean Freddie wasn’t such a bad guy and if he had any faults they were mild peculiarities. Like his girl watching. He was a champion girl watcher. Even in this a