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11421142 views2121 comments1212 favs

He would not take Prozac and talked Jesus to her as if from a bucket.


11421142 views44 comments22 favs

theme songs for concentration camps!?

How to pick up women.

11421142 views77 comments55 favs

The easiest and most legal way to pick up a woman is to take a single, writer friend with you to a bar. While there, look for the woman you are interested in. Her? Are you sure? Okay then. Next, tell your writer friend that the woman keeps looking at him when he's…

Redbeard the Communist Pirate

11421142 views44 comments22 favs

True facts about Redbeard the communist pirate.

Impressionist Modern

11421142 views44 comments33 favs

I'd never seen a dead person before, let alone one that was living just seconds earlier.

Barbarian(s) Within the Gates

11421142 views66 comments55 favs

This writers' conference (sponsored by VQR, which had run its banner ad atop the Fictionaut home page in the summer of 2014, which begins to explain both my attendance and this essay) revealed itself as an apt subject . . .

Calling All Feathers, Do You Hear

11421142 views66 comments77 favs

These little things, they are the hopes We were waiting for, they are everywhere. I made this one just for you. Call them feathers. Call them roses. You'll always See them if you need them. These Little things carry the good news…

Make Music, Not Love

11421142 views77 comments77 favs

We are/no more than heartbeats on repeat.


11421142 views11 comment11 fav

These were the kind of days children dreamed of. A warm sun shone over Coronado, California. December weather on the island did not prevent outside play. The wind off the bay remained soft, even if chilled. Church let out early. There was time to pla

Using Proven Scientific Methods to Get Published

11421142 views55 comments55 favs

I have a ninety two percent rejection rate.

Why Dogs are Men and Cats are Women

11421142 views77 comments22 favs

Dogs will hump anything. Cats do not hump.

Poem on the Table

11421142 views2727 comments1414 favs

Its intelligence won’t be/ diminished when you take/ a bone saw to its cranium

Psychological Profile for "Joe"

11421142 views22 comments11 fav

He boasts of administering regular beatings to his wife and claims that she enjoyed it.

At the Reception

11421142 views1212 comments88 favs

"Check out these dudes,” he says. “They're all wearing kilts. Not that there's anything wrong with that, as long as they're wearing underwear.

Present Tense

11421142 views88 comments55 favs

What fascinates me now is now, this instant, this moment. This fugitive, this delinquent, this indiscreet, this forever elusive now. Now now. Now is now and now it is not now. Now is the adversary of time.…

The Judas Horse

11421142 views66 comments22 favs

Mark dressed the velvet red Stetson, too big for his head, like a dandy. A six year old savior with fringe on his pockets flapping as he, the ‘Judas horse’ led me ’round back


11421142 views33 comments22 favs

Lama’s mother is dead. She died when Lama was just outgrowing her ballet tutus. When Lama talks about it, it is with the air of one who picks honeysuckle over jasmine. It gives sunshine, she says, to graves. Our epitaphs are so mechanical otherwise. Un

Skin and Bones

11421142 views11 comment00 favs

She lay there, skin and bones, unable to speak. Little did we know those were our last moments togethter. How cruel for her, to want to share a lifetime of thoughts and feelings in those waning moments only to be robbed of the chance. My brother and I…

Baby Teak

11421142 views11 comment11 fav

Baby Teak can access Wikipedia by rubbing two xylophone mallets together.

The Ferry

11421142 views00 comments11 fav

The two of them stood at the long end of a pier that cut sharp into an L 25 feet out into the river. It was an old wooden pier that relished in its every crack and splinter regardless of the fresh coat of white paint that melted lazily over the rotting bo


11421142 views77 comments33 favs

Shit, I guess I'm gonna hafta

One Foot in front of the Other

11421142 views99 comments66 favs

And soon you'll be walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking

Movies and Songs

11421142 views00 comments00 favs

But I am quite sure, in my loneliness, there is nothing that aches inside me more, than a desire to persist.

Leg and Leg and Another Leg

11421142 views66 comments55 favs

The robot may be grabbing onto something so big I'm mistaking it for the countryside, or the sunset. I could just be one cog in an infinite chain of leg-attachment, stretching from the cosmos to the sub-atomic.

Things to Do while Waiting for the Toaster

11421142 views1010 comments77 favs

For you have waited. And waited and waited. And soon your slice of bread will be ready.

This is Not the Great Depression!

11421142 views66 comments55 favs

Going to the candy store at night in the section of town called Kalliope. Riding bike, trying to get there before it closed at ten. Getting candy at that little store with the glass containers and the rows and rows of candy. Getting milk there…

Hyde Confronts Jekyll’s Position on a Current Affair

11411141 views2424 comments1313 favs

I would fly drones with hydrochloric acid sprays/ over their squadrons and watch the disfigurement/ begin. I love disfigurement...

A Dispatch from an Enivironmental Lawyer Who is Trying to Grow a Mustache

11411141 views11 comment11 fav

Angelina Jolie, seducer of Brad Pitt, tattooed mother of rescued orphans, and the unlikely daughter of Jon Voight who broke Billy Bob Thornton's heart, is only two blocks from me, in a travel trailer on Seventh Street, gently rousing herself from sleep.

The Color of Sleep

11411141 views55 comments22 favs

Have you ever seen a body of words give birth to a paragraph? I won't lie. It's a little gross. But quite moving. First there is the biology of reproduction. A blackbird living in an electric guitar, for instance, and its inexplicable urge to mate with an elephant.…

Turning Thirty

11411141 views1414 comments33 favs

Of all the authors in the library, it was a wife from Maryland who called out from her marriage dormer I was not to read her.