by Bill Yarrow
tomorrow's work I should go home
I wander toward the midnight dock
a neon sine curve stabs my eyes
I clutch my hollows like a brick
The future holds my brother's pain
my darkest fears by hopes inflate
a black gull dives a painter's gloves
the cobblestones deny the clouds
my wants and needs are not aligned
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This poem was published in Caravel Literary Arts Journal.
"Fealty" appears in THE VIG OF LOVE (Glass Lyre Press, 2016).
Thick with noir. In particular: "I wander toward the midnight dock a neon sine curve stabs my eyes" *
Those closing lines- dead on. Strong poem.
Nicely experimental. Original and moving.
Like this. Well done.
I like the form and the last lines.
Thanks, Mat, Sam, Darryl, Gary, and Kitty!
intricate interweaving *
Thanks, Beate!
I like the lineation of this poem a lot. I can read it different ways. I've never seen one quite like it. I like the variations I find it produces. *
Thank you, Ann!