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The Last Time

11901190 views1313 comments99 favs

Stalks were scythed to submission one stroke at a time


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What if blood engorging your penis could be the result of emotions other than sex and violence? Wouldn't it be nice if your dick could be used to express the lengths and depths of other feelings?

As the Lights Dim

11901190 views1010 comments1010 favs


2001, What I Wanted

11901190 views1010 comments44 favs

feet that would run until their soles were pages of Gideon’s Bibles, worn too thin to touch

A Case of Mo Yan Blues

11901190 views2121 comments99 favs

my speech/ in Oslo.

6 Thoughts on Love

11901190 views77 comments22 favs

“Careful of the shells,” yousaid. I wanted to tasteyour white, and makea table of your midriff. Georgia's just aplace withso little, butan island nevertheless. Sky's a thing weseem to be, when thelight focuses on…

Epiphenomenal Glider

11901190 views55 comments22 favs

Hissing through the opening, the spirits have no place.


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How could you run from me now? The loneliest child in the house

The Shadow People

11901190 views55 comments11 fav

Two summers later, the ritual began. Carol left her house at midnight, having served her husband and daughter a heavy dinner that left them caged in their sleep. She was like a thief working in reverse: she rose from bed with her husband’s first snore,


11901190 views1313 comments66 favs

secret recipe

Mama Loves Birds

11901190 views1717 comments88 favs

Mama loves birds but is afraid to fly.

Hobby Lobby

11891189 views77 comments66 favs

In human rights, a man and a woman may marry and bring forth a family. It is a civil right in the U.S. but not a human right (as far as I know) to raise a child singly without the knowledge of the other parent.

even from the moon

11891189 views88 comments44 favs

even from the moon our planet’s truth has not been seen.

Arcana Magi Zero - c.1

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The moon is now at the corner on pace for the horizon. On top of a tall business building in Downtown Newark stop a woman in a hood cloak.

High School Bards Face Tough Summer of Two-a-Day Practices

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Joe Don followed the route taken by an increasing number of Texas teenage jocks whose football glory days are prematurely cut short and joined his high school's Cowboy Poet Squad.


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It's London Zoo and ten minutes to closing time. The clock walks in and out of cages. I love you baby when you laugh like that at monkeys.Penguin and pelican, wing in wing, approaching. It's some bird act, I know. Two birds from nowhere. One flies, one walks.The zoo…


11891189 views55 comments33 favs

Either it was rescue--if the customer was alive to be found--or recovery, the term for bringing out the dead.

How Sturdy Is Your Sick Bag?

11891189 views77 comments22 favs

A wave lifted me from my seat, scattering more drops of vomit around, and I thought nastily about bringing the motion sickness bracelets back inside, dripping bags in tow, to ask for a refund.

Life at the Red Diaper Baby Factory

11891189 views33 comments22 favs

Von Meckel had us all go out and paint this huge red square around the Red Diaper Baby factory. Then he held a big naming rally, at noon, during our lunch break. We weren’t allowed to eat our sandwiches. There was all this pomp and circumstance. We were

Famous Female Artist

11891189 views22 comments00 favs

I remember being sent a picture once from one of my old roommates, Louise, back in Chicago where I came from. The photo was taken when she’d come out for a visit to California. In the picture I am sitting on the front stairs of my house in the Rockridge

My Third First Novel

11891189 views22 comments33 favs

One of the publishing industry’s dirty little secrets is that first novels sell much better than second novels. So why not enhance your chances for success by calling your second novel your first?

Sand Dollars

11891189 views33 comments22 favs

“Life is on life’s terms,” she told me once. Her arm, wrapped in clear cellophane, was freshly adorned with a green-pigmented sand-dollar: a living shell.

Philip Guston Painting of the Courtroom

11891189 views66 comments55 favs

While the head of the KKK stands by for the next order, ready to mete out punishment, and smoking a cigar. They are so efficient, like ex-Nazis.

Grand Theft Auto (a true story)

11891189 views33 comments22 favs

He took the car out into the middle of Nowhere, Mexico, and drove it at top speed, off-road for a day and a night. I am talking strut-breaking, axle-wrecking, wheel-bending, paint-peeling conditions and balls-to-the-wall, testosterone-drunk driving.

Larry's "Gonna Die" Parrtayye

11891189 views11 comment11 fav

When we started plans for the party, none of us wanted Larry to die, most of all Larry himself. Actually, when we first started plans for the party, Larry wasn’t dying.

A Brief Conversation With A Man Who Fell Off a Cliff

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I asked him where he hurt and he said everywhere.


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Theresa Esposito woke to the smell of pignoli cookies baking. The sweet scent made her stomach rumble. She was ten-years-old today. And she felt ten. Her hair, her ears, her eyes, her toes — everything felt ten.


11891189 views1111 comments88 favs

I was sleeping the night of a hurricane party. I awoke to lightning flashes. They lit the undersides of descending clouds, and lit the shadows of scattering dancers. The hurricane must have turned inland.

No Alternative

11891189 views44 comments44 favs

This story* is brought to you by

“Adrien Brody,” Adrien Brody, and Adrien Brody’s Nose: A Response to Tao Lin’s Response to “Tumblr ‘Shit-Talking’”

11891189 views11 comment11 fav

Here is “Adrien Brody” through a Freudian lens: Calloway wanted to fuck her father. She flew to New York City to fuck a version of her father who has a name similar to an actor with an interesting nose and a lot of talent. Neither Calloway nor the actor n