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A Christmas Mistake

12001200 views11 comment00 favs

But that night we were happy, looking all around at the bright lights of the several cities that we could see.

Remember to Sing

12001200 views66 comments77 favs

“Not all the birds are to be trusted, and there are other spies more evil than they are.” —J.R.R.Tolkien This may well be our own about time, time to walk out that comfortable front door forever into danger. Nothing will ever…

May, Twelve

12001200 views55 comments44 favs

I feel unlike myself, I think. I've been afraid of notebooks, pens, writing. I've hoped for telekinesis between empty pages and my mind. The hoping leaves me empty handed, and I have nothing to show. I feel unlike myself. I feel the whites of my eyes as…

Waking Up After a Nap During Election Day

12001200 views33 comments22 favs

He is an exercise in humility:What I cannot have or be. The chances of our meetingand his perfection are darkly astronomical. There are plenty of otherswhose riches I cannot have,why envy him?We are similar in spritbut have different fortunes.It is unfair and…

Contagious Blinking

12001200 views22 comments22 favs

He pulls on his wispy goatee and shifts his weight a few times from one foot to the other. That doesn’t help. It rarely does, to be honest.


12001200 views00 comments00 favs

Walking to Colorado? He doesn't have that kind of time.

Five Million Yen: Chapter 9

11991199 views22 comments11 fav

Naked Lady? I know that from somewhere. Then he remembered. That's what they called those old 1930's and 40's Conn saxophones, Naked Ladies. How would Smith know that?

Zeus Takes a Day Job

11991199 views1010 comments88 favs

That's demeaning enough, but not as hard to take as the customers. They're all jaded hipsters, thumb diddling smartphone freaks, pretending their online interactions actually count as relationships and that “tweets” are real conversations. It's sad, reall

History of Moon Velveeta

11991199 views11 comment11 fav

Only ever been twelve men on the moon. And one cheese.

I Wonder About the Trees

11991199 views66 comments55 favs

I stole forth dimly in the dripping pause

Waiting for the Voice on the Line

11991199 views1818 comments1111 favs

hoping for a happy outcome/ like a kindly voice on the line

Three as She Lay Sleeping

11991199 views88 comments11 fav

As I watched her sleep, I saw gentle frost and sun on crystal.

Out of Uniform

11991199 views44 comments55 favs

Between the wars, I hung around in an air-conditioned room. It was tiny, and I was shoved to the back, but after living outside on another man's back for months of bullets and bombs, I welcomed the stuffiness. White paint kept close walls from reminding me of the trenches'…

Spilled Milk

11991199 views1515 comments1212 favs

(I'd appreciate some feedback on this very weird story.) A Frosted Mini Wheat walks in to a bar...

Beyond Penderecki

11991199 views11 comment22 favs

From a window, the young Pole Krzysztof Penderecki saw resistance fighters hanged by Nazis...


11991199 views88 comments44 favs

When the hay was ripe it stirred and rippled like water.

A Night at the Opera

11991199 views1212 comments1212 favs

I picked out a book to read on the airplane. The title was The Function of the Orgasm by Wilhelm Reich.

The Man Who Defied Gravity

11991199 views33 comments11 fav

Let us be stranded in the Andes and have to eat human flesh or at least toothpaste to survive! Let there be an earthquake! Let there be a flood! Let there be a tornado, a new ice age, an invasion from Mars. Only: let me survive.

Epiphany on a July Morning

11991199 views66 comments44 favs

It's that day in July when you feel really bummed because you can't find your favorite white sleeveless shirt that you wear on the hottest days of the yea

On being offered a seat on the Bart train

11981198 views88 comments55 favs

Remember when I entered a room and turned heads is my youthful charm a sputtering fire in the hearth

Consider the Living

11981198 views77 comments44 favs

we're not at war / with the world. We have papers.


11981198 views88 comments55 favs

Stroman reached over and stroked the perimeter of Rouge's chin with his thumb. 'I am just joking. You are my soul-mate, you know that?'


11981198 views99 comments88 favs

When our kids were very young, my wife and I believed it was important to give our children traditions that they could grow up with. One such tradition that we shared each Thanksgiving was to walk down by the cliffs along the ocean. We'd all go, our kids…

Raise Really High The Roofbeam, Gassbag

11981198 views44 comments00 favs

When I heard that my brother was going to get married, I was more surprised than anything, but also awed by his courage. Our sister, named Baah Baah during a particularly bad recreational substance binge by our fun-loving, aristocratic parents, Nancy and

Broken Waters

11981198 views1515 comments99 favs

Must Not Be a Working Bird

11981198 views55 comments44 favs

I said, “That bird is hungry.” The sparrow was eying both of us At our separate outside café tables As it hopped around looking for crumbs. Then it would look up at us Expectantly.


11981198 views55 comments55 favs

if it were a child/ it would be in first grade this year

(I don’t know how the nights can be so long when life is so short)

11981198 views55 comments22 favs

But I think what I remember most was Lynda really letting me have it. “Right now I’m seeing this married farmer out in Western Illinois. I met him at this bar out there called the Peppermint Lounge. Boy, they sure know me out there! Funny how every town

Pop Bottle?

11981198 views77 comments33 favs

Who ever saw an open upright pop bottle on the street?

Staying In Place Staying In Place

11981198 views44 comments00 favs

The way each intersection in a city where you’ve lived a while becomes layered with personal archeology. The cafe that replaced a liquor store you avoided, and the friend (or lover) you broke up with there, and the way on the day of the big fire you