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Galactic Butterflies

12301230 views2727 comments1414 favs

will we become artifacts?

Flying Tiger

12301230 views1919 comments99 favs

I screwed my courage to the sticking point and asked him if he had shot down any Japanese airplanes. He grinned at me. “One,” he said.

Half Staff

12301230 views1313 comments99 favs

We mourn/ in perpetuity and are inured

Dead End

12291229 views66 comments44 favs

She'd still rest her fingers on your back, and her smile still lit the lantern of your soul.

Six Feet Over

12291229 views44 comments33 favs

I’ve paid my dues in this dimension/ so show me where the rest of them are


12291229 views99 comments88 favs

When the sun was above the treeline, and the hunter returned to the cabin, they were ready for him.

Not Lao-tzu's Yellow Brick Road, xvii - xxvii

12291229 views77 comments66 favs

—indistinct and foggy, my eyes lost at sea, confined to a horizon not close to land.

The Tattered

12291229 views33 comments22 favs

The snake-like veins began to pulsate angrily, and viciously about his body. Quickly he rose up about the girl. His heart was now pounding rapidly against his chest. Outstretched, were his wings, the width of the balcony, white and decrepit and old, yet s


12291229 views66 comments44 favs

When he smashed his plate in my lap, the dog hung around, licking my wrist and hoping that he would get some milk, too. With my luck, he'd jump in the pool, getting grass clippings all over the edge. My nails were sharp that day, I had to cut them, and I did while…

Wattle and Daub

12291229 views1616 comments77 favs

~ ! ~


12291229 views22 comments11 fav

Five o’clock, and Madame choosing her evening legs. Elizabeth assisting. Elizabeth will continue to assist until midnight, despite the chaos, at which point the authorities will tell her such assistance is no longer necessary.

55 words #7

12291229 views99 comments66 favs

Let's make a monetary enticement for writers who can revel in the magnitude of this tragedy...


12291229 views88 comments55 favs

They are plastering on lipstick in pay-to-enter toilets around the corner from the mosques, where old men sit on back streets selling toilet seats, spices by the shovel, flashlights, and Audrey Hepburn t-shirts

Genesis Serpent’s Skin Found

12291229 views55 comments55 favs

This may be too religious for you, as at first it was so with me. But I assure you, on my scholarly integrity, I have found the Genesis Serpent’s skin! Yes, that Genesis Serpent--though just a leftover piece of him,


12291229 views1717 comments1414 favs

It shouldn’t take that long to count/ to six but when the six are cats, arithmetic/ assumes Heisenbergian properties/ as the objects counted defy the count.


12291229 views55 comments22 favs

Some books are like old friends and when you read them, you no longer feel alone.

Mr. Kunitz, Mr. Lowell, Mrs. Craig

12291229 views88 comments66 favs

Although I think we can easily work it out because we are not here in the Yale graduate school, and diction is the theme of the story. Diction is a choice in language.

Cellphone Girl (Part II)

12281228 views00 comments00 favs

The tsunami started, ironically enough, with a phone call.

Bird Noises

12281228 views33 comments33 favs

Let's buy this robin's egg blue furniture. Okay. Let's buy this album full of wren songs. Uh, okay.

Only a Memory Away

12281228 views1414 comments99 favs

When Uncle Dan got sent to the Alzheimer's ward, the ladies licked their lips. Fresh meat.


12281228 views1313 comments1010 favs

Sin by Nonnie Augustine After my mother died, I met Aunt Shirley. I found her in dozens of snapshots piled in falling apart cardboard boxes we hauled down from the attic. Small girls, with huge bows bobby-pinned right on top of…

Prisoners (edited)

12281228 views1515 comments44 favs

This cell the sole certainty, all else steeped in mystery. Why should we be here?

Brave New World

12281228 views55 comments55 favs

awoke in confusion, fear and hurt never seen before that day a year past

Agnés and Albertine

12281228 views44 comments22 favs

Albertine had never loved Agnés. Oh! She had liked her very much. Especially her wit, the skin at the nape of her neck, even the two freckles on her arse that would bloom when licked.

The Pixie

12281228 views1111 comments77 favs

On the bank of the stream, we take off our clothes and dash into the water.


12281228 views44 comments11 fav

My ride, my good friend Morning was due any minute, but of course, he/she was always late. My costume was a dog. I was stuck to another dog, in the act of passion. A stuffed one. A basset hound. I said my name was Lightning.

The Yardsale is Over and the Rain is Falling and It Is Getting Dark

12281228 views33 comments11 fav

I stared deep into the sepias... And you touched my soul anew.


12281228 views1010 comments77 favs

In her blanched beauty, seated in a silver deck chair, with complacent socialist ways

Lost Sister

12281228 views33 comments22 favs

She looks exactly like my sister, though I do not have a sister.

The Infinte Wheel

12281228 views99 comments66 favs

Scientists have discovered what I already did once on dope way back in the Sixties. There are so many other earths out there that they are almost infinite. Now in our other lives we have to shuttle from planet to planet reading our poems. And