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Memory and Restoration

12471247 views1616 comments99 favs

How a breeze feels evaporating sweat on neck and forearms.


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Truman sits in his car on an early Tuesday morning. He rolls down both front windows down, but despite the infusion of fresh air, the car still smells of stale meat and sickness.

The Eagle and Her Chicks

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On the day they were born, the old mother eagle named her chicks Faith, Hope, and Charity.

The Hangman's Poor Gift

12471247 views1212 comments1010 favs

of placing the rope just so; of settling the veil with care --


12471247 views99 comments44 favs

The man's dog slipped away one night. He left soon after.

They Come To Me At Night

12471247 views1111 comments44 favs

I have an appointment set for the day after next; you said you thought you might be firing blanks and then I feel a kick into my chest—two kicks, three, seven at least—my cat is going crazy at the stinky tom outside the window and the birds are waking, sc

President Taft Presses A Telegraph Key

12471247 views44 comments33 favs

He sits, a large man with a walrus mustache, pondering a gold telegraph key.

Something, He Wrote

12471247 views99 comments44 favs

Mayakovsky wrote...

Nothing At All

12471247 views77 comments22 favs

The ice in my drink provides ample cooling. The brew strength of my tea is just such that it combines in a pleasing fashion with the melting ice. My mind is clear and my belly absent hunger. I am completely sated from any physical desire at this very mome

A Cautionary Tale of Bike Swapping

12471247 views11 comment11 fav

There is no Vinny’s Liquor store as far as she can tell. She begins to think there is something odd, that people are jerking her chain, sending her on a fruitless mission. It feels familiar, like sorority hell week. Maybe there is no liquor store at al

My Boyfriend Believed in Aliens

12471247 views77 comments44 favs

My boyfriend unequivocally believed in the existence of aliens. He was the Mulder to my Scully, though when I said so, he had no idea what I was talking about. I never understood how someone so E.T. obsessed could have missed 'The X-Files'.He would look skyward, eyes…

Against Disorder

12471247 views99 comments88 favs

It is true that the college dogs spread vermin, reeked and shat on the soccer field...

For Kate

12471247 views88 comments44 favs

I had to kill someone today. Do not be alarmed, she was only real to me.

Woman without Time

12471247 views11 comment11 fav

The men who have come to take me have science on their side. I know this is true, and yet I sit on the same bed I've had since girlhood, unable to move myself to pack even a pair of socks. What does one wear at the asylum anyway? Pajamas? Certainly my suits will be useless.…

Paradise Island

12471247 views1010 comments88 favs

A man comes out of the waves

Looking at the Light of the Moon on the Sea

12471247 views44 comments22 favs

It was hard, in the crowded vacation house, to make love as they would have alone.

Envy the book

12471247 views44 comments11 fav

Once, during an argument, she had said, It’s like there’s another woman, except she doesn’t exist. Which sometimes it really did feel like, a betrayal, being thrown over for someone else. The muse. She could have shot the muse.

25 Cents at a Time

12471247 views55 comments33 favs

He never bothered converting the tip money he pocketed at the Imperial Street 24 hour car wash as his world was replete with 25 cent transactions, making quarters the perfect coin for his realm.


12471247 views1111 comments1212 favs

Regrets lined behind him like crossties on a railroad track.


12461246 views00 comments00 favs

She pulls out of love, while you sit upon the rumble seat, a granted is taken for every crack of the whip. She pulls out of fear. She pulls.

Mistaken Identity

12461246 views00 comments00 favs

Scott was sure his father was reassured by the sticky stains in his Penthouse; Dad found them when Scott was thirteen. Dad had just one issue of that venerable porno, which Scott defiled with his joy. It was not the Penthouse models…


12461246 views1313 comments66 favs

Before Sandy, there was hype of Sandy. On the third day of hype, the broadcasters laughed. Then B-O-O-M, lights out, houses flooded, and Obama was re-elected.


12461246 views33 comments22 favs

All I wanted was to love her.

Down on the Street

12461246 views88 comments77 favs



12461246 views99 comments44 favs

We shot out the windows of an abandoned building nearby so as to trick them into thinking we’d had snipers stationed in that building. They shot at the abandoned building.

Stretching to Understand

12461246 views99 comments33 favs

You looked like someone I didn't want to know. I guess that's why I got in the car that night. My penchant for self-destruction was aroused by your black nail polish and the lavender circles under your eyes. You looked like someone that could hurt me, yeah, that's why I got…

The Pennsylvania Kaufmann House

12461246 views2020 comments1515 favs

Falling Water almost fell./ 12 million dollars later// it will splay itself a little longer

Dear Zombie William Carlos Williams,

12461246 views00 comments00 favs

If you wanted to retain the ownership of said works, then you should not have died.


12461246 views77 comments00 favs

"Do you have to call your brother a loser? He is not a loser and that was just uncalled for"

Strings Go

12461246 views55 comments33 favs

This woman is naked to the waist and then nakeder below that.