I met a girl so sweet,
So sweet that she could
Break your heart
No girl, no one should
Be so sweet
So sweet that she melts
My depression
Increase my anxiety
No one should be so sweet
More like a little girl
Than her 25 years
If something, anything
Wrong happens to someone
Like that
It seems like it breaks your heart
And I don't know why?
I guess we are use to the cruel, the liars, the deceivers
The insincere---the bitches, the bastards
But the girl I know, I thinking of
Seems too sweet for nature,
The universe, time or space
I hope,
She is well tonight
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A poem about a very sensitive girl.
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Damion, you are the kind one. The narrator with such a tender heart. Your writing is direct--it is on the wire--perilously close to sentimentality but never touching that spot--very beautiful to read--please don't change the way you write--very moving, this--i truly appreciate it *
Thank you Bobbi. I worry a lot about sounding sentimental sometimes. Thanks for the kind words. You made my night.
Good one Damion! I think you got a strong point across about the need for us to shine light against darkness, to focus on the positive and to celebrate love and tenderness in the face of negativity. Uplifting. Fave.
There is an outside-looking-in quality to this; as though the girl were behind glass. How thought-provoking that possessing simple qualities should set someone so far apart in this world.