A lot of people are like this--they thrive on
On conflict
My bartender is that way-she likes the
She wants to fight and argue and haggle
And I never related to this
In anyone
Well, people are scared, or pretend to be
Scared at the bar. Some are extremely
There's a tornado warning, it's hailing
Raining hard, and the wind screams like
A mob of angry cats being set on fire
Most of people at the bar are excited
While looking at the weatherman
Talk about the tornados
And heavy, damaging winds
But the real trouble are in the surrounding
Counties, and not
In our county
Its' just hailing and
Raining and winds are
Moderate, were we
Are at
But my bartender lady
Strives on conflict
She tells me she's disappointed
That there's no tornado outside
I think to myself is she crazy!
She's not crazy though,
She just says nothing happens
That life is boring, that if
The tornado came, that life
Would seem less like a dream.
Then I think this is why the world
Is the way it is
Conflict and war all over
Because people are BORED
She doesn't have to want that
Tornado with all that pain and suffering
Eventually the pain and suffering catches
Up with us
We definitely don't need to force the action,
With the wars, blood, mangled bodies-
Hell, chaos destruction
It comes for us
But I want to hold that shit off
As much as possible,
While I drink the good beer
To soothe my thoughts and body
I go to the restroom and return,
My beer is gone, and it was almost
She says it wasn't almost full
And I look at her long enough,
For her to give in and give me
She wanted the conflict
But I wasn't buying it.
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318 words
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Is a poem about people and the need human beings have for conflict.
Strong voice, and this is a killer image: "the wind screams like / A mob of angry cats being set on fire". Faved--
Yes, I liked the angry cats bit too. A good tale of boredom and what it ignites.
Borderline Personality Disorder waitresses are common, but you have captured this perfectly! Great images and use of weather as metaphor.
i come to this fresh from four woody allen movies in a row (one per night). i've not been in a bar in decades (except to use the loo), at least it seems that way, but you still made me feel it. enjoyed this very much.
Ha! You're not buying it is a terrific ending. Interesting portrait of a drama queen.
Interesting concept. Is boredom worse than conflict, the reason for conflict, or is it in itself conflict? Thanks for making me think this morning, Damion.
you pull off some difficult feats in this--there is a clarity of voice and determination and it works: it is very difficult to get an idea into a poem like this but you are bold in a very gentle way
these are the words that really got me:
" ...if
The tornado came, that life
Would seem less like a dream."
good work *
love your movement in this poem!! And I've met this bartender before! Raining and winds are
Moderate, were we
Are at...' Nice! *
Really strong and engaging work Damion. The powerful imagery pushes the piece along like gusts of wind. I am a transplanted midwesterner myself, and have experienced a number of tornadoes first hand, so this appeals to me on a visceral level. I'm almost embarrassed to admit that I can relate to the bartender's attraction to the apocalyptic aspects of such a storm. This is also the psychological landscape I seem to examine and live in with my own work. Fave. I am looking forward to reading more of your work!
I think I worked with this bartender a time or two! Strong open. Tight finish. The story, not the bartender. Excellent read!
yes to this. this is very honest. it would work equally well as a microfiction, I think.
Love the way you wait out the storm
Yeah. Captured. Shook up just enough to remember you're still alive.
Wow, that bartender goes to my (ex) church ;^)
Good stuff, a lot of truths. I would be interested seeing this in prose form--I think you've got a bigger story here. Peace *
Ooh, Damion- I may have found a kindred spirit writer!
Love this. Linda, I would say that a poem like this works by compressing a message rather than drawing it out. I relate completely to this format.