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A Sliver of Light

12521252 views88 comments88 favs

Light slunk in from under a door, but just a sliver.

Brian Wilson Says

12521252 views99 comments33 favs

There is only one other person in the pool, in the adjacent lane. I stop to adjust my goggles and notice his waterproof ear buds.

july 23

12521252 views88 comments55 favs

I get that drunk feeling right before it starts to rain. The sky is dark and heavy and the clouds break open with a flash and suddenly there is water running down all of the windows like one million pairs of eyes crying hard. The street is suddenly …

Your Guide to Wi-Fi Security

12521252 views99 comments22 favs

Public Wi-Fi ”hotspots” allow men and women to ogle each other discreetly while pretending to write the Great American Novel.

Two Lives

12521252 views22 comments00 favs

You don't know what it's like to be in the bed as a child and feel the air of fall enter your room and hear the dishes in the cabinets of your home rattle, their doors slammed by some drunk looking for a fresh bottle of liquor. The cool air sweeps over you like…

The Blonde With a Sweet Pair

12521252 views77 comments55 favs

Long, elegant, with a touch of arch,

My Smelly Valentine

12521252 views33 comments22 favs

He asked me if I was going to buy Valentine's for the office this year, and I shook my head. We were in the dollar store, February 13, and I could get a box of twenty kids' Valentines with last year's favourite cartoon…

holding it down

12511251 views88 comments66 favs

You lazy fuckwit! You half-assed shithead!


12511251 views44 comments44 favs

I call him a Staffordshire terrier. You call him a pit bull. Some people say he's lovable. Other people say he'll bite your face off without thinking too hard.

The Cruelest Man

12511251 views00 comments00 favs

He was arrested for a horrible crime. It took more than three weeks to identify the body. The newspapers were vague so as not to terrify anyone. He hung his head low as he pled guilty.

A Certain Distance

12511251 views77 comments55 favs

...a headwater stream that has never had a name....

Edward Ogle the Third

12511251 views66 comments66 favs

Assimilated wheat germ integrated ant worm the capital of brazil.

The Whore

12511251 views66 comments66 favs

The man and the whore lay in bed together. It was a cold night and they were warmed by the heat beneath the…

Breaking News

12511251 views33 comments11 fav

On the news they said that there was a baby born in a stable. There are rumours that he may be the son of God but initial reports are unconfirmed.

Elegy For the Old Republic

12511251 views33 comments22 favs

You call the shit in this paper news? ‘Dog Accidentally Shoots Man With His Own Gun, Swedish Man Bursts Into Flames on Train Platform, The Truth About Elvis's Hidden Extraterrestrial Daughter.' Seriously? Enough about Elvis already.

The Coach

12501250 views1414 comments77 favs

We sat in the weight room. The coach walked in with his clipboard and stood until we were quiet.

My Expiration Date Approaches

12501250 views2020 comments1414 favs

the doomed, but splendid, first year GT40.

My Piper Laurie

12501250 views66 comments22 favs

Eddie meets Sarah Packard, a “college girl” played by Piper Laurie. She walks with a limp, a fact Eddie doesn’t notice at first because she’s sitting down at a diner table in a bus station. She’s alcoholic and writes poetry.

A Familiar Song of Love Song

12501250 views1010 comments99 favs

Take a bird down from the sky, just for a moment, it endears you to me. Find a raindrop in the pouring rain, it is a jewel beyond compare, unless you Are directly in possession of it. Drop it. There is a star that I cannot help seeing In the…


12501250 views11 comment00 favs

I laughed maniacally in my head at the thought, but I kept picking at it all the same, the bunnies had plans for us.


12501250 views22 comments00 favs

“I can’t believe you went ahead and got pregnant without me,” I said.

Confessions of a Likeaholic

12501250 views00 comments00 favs

"Something happens in a magical, soulful part of the heart...and you see YOU. You see yourself." "I can't look at myself."

Diplomatic Relations

12501250 views99 comments55 favs

I fully intend to show Hamilton the delights of soft Oriental carpeting and a delicious new position I learned not long ago. It involves a silk scarf, a leather strap and some aromatic herbs.

1957: Kathleen Eulalie, Widow

12501250 views1010 comments1010 favs

My lipline's retreated since Tuesday. I'll toss those Hazel Bishop reds, (lipstick on shriveled lips rattles men, scares little children) skip Woolworth's cosmetics counter, save backaching, ankleswelling pondering of powders, rouges, …

The General

12501250 views99 comments88 favs

Where the General is, the world is data and patterns and signatures.

"The Misses Moses," from my collection Aliens in the Prime of Their Lives (Norton 2010)

12501250 views66 comments66 favs

The Misses Moses by Brad Watson from Aliens in the Prime of Their Lives The Moses sisters lived together, alone, in the fine old brick house near downtown where they…


12501250 views1717 comments88 favs

Lying all over itself...

Arcana Magi Cross - c.5

12501250 views00 comments00 favs

They stood before the opened door, where cold vapor seeped out along their feet and chilled their bodies. The Avatars figured this was what the necromancer used to get inside.

Bride and Groom

12501250 views1616 comments77 favs

He wears an old black tux, shiny at the elbows, and his gray hair has been styled and sprayed into a fragile tornado. On his lap sits a Chihuahua wearing a bridal outfit—veil and all.

Wedding Bells & Space Junk [July challenge]

12501250 views11 comment11 fav

Right away, like toadstools, there were crackpot theories. The first: that kids out on the lake dock, against fire department warnings...