There's a gap in our ages. I'm old enough to be her father. Although I try not to think of her as a potential lover, she more than likely believes my intentions are sexual in nature, yet she graciously accepts my presence in her life. I'm encouraged by that, and intrigued.
When I attempt to explain my screenplay and how I visualize her playing the lead, I say: "You're perfect for the part. Early twenties, good body. You're strong and muscular. Yet sensual, with feminine curves. And you dress differently every day, often changing more than twice a day, which leads me to believe you're a natural, community service being your current stage where you act out your dreams, aspirations, and inner convictions."
She responds by saying: "You know what, John? You should volunteer for community service, yourself. We're building an urban farm on vacant lots around the neighborhood. We could use your help."
The land available for urban farming needs a major overhaul, except for a few select areas. New soil in raised beds with a layered profile would be the quickest way to make most areas productive, I conclude, and I suggest we apply for a federal grant to produce a documentary film about urban farming. We might even attract corporate sponsors to cover the initial cost of building the raised beds and filling them with the necessary materials like crushed stone, sand, and top soil.
She doesn't like the idea of federal grants or corporate sponsors. She does, however, allow me to use my personal equipment to record selected farm activities. I point the film and video cameras at her mostly. I'm looking for footage, ostensibly without her knowing, which I can later use to portray her character in the movie version of my screenplay, assuming she'll eventually agree to take the part.
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Fave, JMC. I'm intrigued by this good story and I want to read more.
Hi, David. I appreciate your comment. Thanks for reading and the fave.
Nice little twist and I've got hold of the story thread - I'm sure it goes somewhere...
Nice telling, J Mykell. A good read.*
Hi, Larry. Thanks for reading and commenting. You are such a good stotyteller, yourself, it doesn't surprise me you would get hold of the thread, if a thread there be: and I'm reasonably confident there is a thread. Where it's going from here is another story.
Hi, Sam. Thanks for reading and commenting. I appreciate.
Interesting further development of character. Also, this is a great example of starting in the middle of things and how effective that ancient technique remains.
Hi, Gary. Thanks for reading and commenting. Your insightful analysis is greatly. appreciated
Intriguing. I'm in.
This opens up a whole world of possibilities. Really strong writing, a great voice - all very effective. *
Read #3 before this one. Yes, lots of possibilities in the differences between these characters. Keep going.
I find it hard to believe she wouldn't be suspicious about you focusing so much of the footage on her. And if she's willful enough not to let you design the farm, she'll be totally pissed off that you tried to pull the movie stunt. Conflict and tension and ambivalence galore. Good luck!
Hi, Emily. Thanks for reading. I appreciate your comment. I hope to maintain your interest and I look forward to future comments and suggestions.
Hi, Foster. Thanks for reading and for your helpful comment. I greatly appreciate.
Hi, Gary. Thanks you reading and commenting on both two and three. I greatly appreciate.
Hi, Gloria. Thanks for reading. I greatly appreciate.
Yes, it's hard to believe she wouldn't be suspicious about having the cameras always pointing at her.
"ostensibly without her knowing"
She willingly participates, apparently with an agenda of her own. She's instinctively manipulative
Ah, now you've jumped ahead of where I started -- part 3 or 4, I believe. I like the sequence skipping. Keeps the element of surprise a moving target. Gloria's a fine muse in her comments.