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Happy Birthday... Mr. President

12251225 views33 comments11 fav

Her dress swirled around her as she stepped into the ballroom, looking every bit as sultry as her recent Playboy cover...

Phantom head syndrome

11891189 views33 comments22 favs

The Bird King suffers from phantom head syndrome. Ever since his decapitation by a critic, he has felt pain where his head used to be. Sometimes it wakes him in the night. It's so excruciating, he fumbles for a saw. But alas! there's nothing to chop off.He's seen every…

Stevie Wonder

16671667 views33 comments22 favs

Like Prince said one time, parties aren't meant to last. Guys who don't get the message are guys who die by the inch.

Cocktail Pianist

793793 views33 comments22 favs

It seems the law of gravity will exert its influence even in such mundane matters as the afternoon rush hour.


788788 views33 comments11 fav

1 is another.

I Kissed a Shirelle

904904 views33 comments11 fav

What do you do when a Shirelle asks you if you’re in the mood to dance?

Forty Two

999999 views33 comments33 favs

The gate squeaked, the gravel shuffled and the letterbox clattered as February 14th's mail cascaded to the ground.

“Kait” the homo sapien

726726 views33 comments33 favs

I am an animal on display in an old fashioned zoo - trapped & violent, violent, violent


597597 views33 comments22 favs

I feel more like sprouts than cucumbers. Oh, hey. Icame here to tell you something you already know, butmaybe can't remember. Or maybe it's me who is rememberingsomething I meant to say, but didn't. Oh, hey. There's alfalfa and mung bean. I love those skinny little…

When it Gets Dark

11571157 views33 comments11 fav

The world—the natural world—was terrible and beautiful in wartime. The leaves shuddered off trees. The pockmarked fields. The fallen brick chimneys. The way the birds heaved together in enormous flocks like rescue missions and then just as…

The Inconsequential Leaping of Rabbits

875875 views33 comments22 favs

If someone were to place a rabbit in her lap right now, there would be nothing she could do to hold onto it. It would leap. Drop. Hie its powerful body elsewhere. At the end of her life she would have nothing to show but a collection of rabbit-shaped empt


938938 views33 comments22 favs

They call me Curiosity and I am curious. I am also a robot. Please. Don't judge me. Robots are not all stupidly obedient, bubble headed twits with whirring gears, lithium batteries, and nanocrystalline electrodes. I have a temperature. I have self-monitoring…


11651165 views33 comments00 favs

I see ghosts. They accost me in their sleep. Hundreds of them. When I wake up (after a long night of half-waking), I think, What wold ghosts want with me? I have nothing for them. But at night they're there again, watching, tapping my shoulder as I lay awake. Sometime…

A Conversation between a Dead Man, Himself and His Alarm Clock

13251325 views33 comments00 favs

He was dead when he tried to wake up. “Wake up,” he yelled silently to himself, although it didn’t sound silent to his voice. “Brr, brr, brr,” shouted his alarm clock as it glared two red fives, a colon and a seven


12911291 views33 comments22 favs

I like my men like I like my wine: in a box.

Bird Noises

11911191 views33 comments33 favs

Let's buy this robin's egg blue furniture. Okay. Let's buy this album full of wren songs. Uh, okay.

An excerpt from "Goodbye, Baseball"

871871 views33 comments22 favs

The boys were his biggest nuisance. The unwashed guttersnipes poured into the park early, all shoeless and half shirtless. He only imagined how thick the fleas must be in their thick tangle of hair, of which only two didn’t have covered with a cap with an


799799 views33 comments00 favs

- Of or relating to dreams


943943 views33 comments33 favs

Well, hello hunger: what a sweet surprise.

Those Things

10881088 views33 comments33 favs

For me, it was that kind of moment. I got to come back. I had been here before and now, well now, I could come back. I had a chance to do it all again, bigger, better and well, just better. I hoped I could remember all that I learned the first time.

The Night Shore

11471147 views33 comments22 favs

Somniloquies rise like the drowned . . .

An Unlikely Rapture

12811281 views33 comments22 favs

Chills begin on my hand where his cool lips meet my skin and ripple through me. I try to focus on the road and cock my eyebrow. “Not bad for a 15-year-old.”


10731073 views33 comments11 fav

He sees how he could release the duck, imagines it winging low over the water to where the others have made it safely.

The Shield

20672067 views33 comments11 fav

The girl has big tits for only being fourteen. She leans in the passenger side window of my car and asks me for a bag of ten Oxycontin.She has no clue what I could do to her right now, that I'm a cop and could bring her ass up on charges if I wanted to. I want to do…

It Ain't Berklee College Of Music

13281328 views33 comments22 favs

“You know who Neil Peart looks like?” Gram said, ignoring Aaron's outburst.

Like Jeremy Irons

14161416 views33 comments22 favs

Usually, you shop around carefully before condescending to see a new doctor, but this time you go to the first gynecologist who would have you, who has time available. Usually, you refuse to see a male doctor (you hate having male doctors!) but this time,

How to Be the Most Hated Person on BART (London Tube, Tokyo Bullet, or Any Public Transit)

10381038 views33 comments22 favs

The daily slog on public transit is a battlefield. Tensions are often higher than a presidential debate, but throw a wrench into the gears (or a tree branch onto the tracks) with any “severe delay,” and add in one or more of the below faux pas, and we’re

Why They Cried: Deano

14291429 views33 comments11 fav

When it came time to sell the agency—when the papers came for him to sign—it was a very bad deal. But he did not cry. This was business. He had gambled and he had lost. He signed the papers without a hint of regret and even pried open a case of champa


746746 views33 comments00 favs

The little butterfly struggled against the wind. As little butterflies sometimes do. Tossed and turned around by relentless, uncaring gusts. The little butterfly would make progress, but then be pushed back. Tantalizing close to where she was heading. A…

A meditation on mint tins

966966 views33 comments00 favs

And I am reminded of river eyes: The summer we slumbered, Like mummies in the sand