by Tia Prouhet
I am too many drinks in, and my lipstick is too dark, and the summer is too big, and my voice is too loud and my words are too many.
My mouth is orange rind and whiskey, my tongue a cocktail cherry.
Highlight this-- it's on the test
Salvadorian lilts on the back of
rising asphalt heat vapor
I am unsteady and unused to vertigo.
Did I mention I'm a Virgo?
I survey my body for my toes, count my fingertips,
Where are my keys?
I think I dropped something—
but he is there, smearing my upsidedown lips
on my throat
hyoid, papilla
Later, someone's mother,
I carefully slice grilled cheese
smear antibiotic on swimming calluses
tuck responsibility under pink sheets
turn out the lights.
I open a textbook,
copyright 2005,
find the chapter on
predicting variability and
favs |
137 words
All rights reserved. |
Y'all. This is the first thing I've written in a while, and it's raw. Raw raw. All input, thoughts, criticism encouraged and appreciated. Trying to find my way back.
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Raw is good. The first two lines pulled me in. The rest kept me. *
"Later someone's mother." Great cinematic cut!