by Jerry Ratch
I got my new dog today,
a toy terrier, as advertised,
from an online retailer,
and printed him or her,
I'm not sure which,
because of an inherent glitch
built into the system,
on my new 3-D printer,
but as you might have guessed,
there are more than a few
problems. For starters,
it was totally unclear from the
get-go pack included
that this one in particular
was going to be a bitch.
Apparently I hit the wrong switch.
Also, I thought I was buying
one of those new-fangled
“barkless” dogs, when in fact
all that switch does is
make her bark less.
The all-night yapping
is a big problem
in my apartment building.
My neighbors do not appreciate
loud-mouthed bitches, at all,
and now me and my new bitch
are facing possible eviction.
Worse, she is apparently capable of
mouthing off a foul-mouthed string
of curses, in any language you choose.
I purposely set her on Chinese lately
to throw some amount of confusion
and doubt into the mix,
especially when the police arrive.
Thank God there's no dog poop to
deal with, however. So there is some
good news in all of this.
No plastic bags tied around your belt
while trying to figure out who,
exactly, was the master,
and why you love this animal
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on-line purchases!
Time to join the anti-GMO movement. *
Fear the future, for sure.
I had fun reading this one. Glad it was mentioned on Editor's Eye!