
Location London
Website http://jasonie.blogspot.com

About Me

Jasoni writes stories inspired by his dreams, memories and other people's stories, and Hal Hartley films, and episodes of Spaced, and things people say to me.. him.

Why do you write?

I love how stories are a combination of memories, imagination and what we’re witness to. One of my favourite film scenes is in 'The World According to Garp'. Robin Williams is taking a walk trying to think up an idea for a story that will make the girl he loves want to marry him. He sees a couple having a fight, a lost pair of gloves, men moving a piano; he looks up to the top of a tall building and a memory of nearly falling to his death as a small child comes back to him… and a story forms. A story may inspire me, and hopefully my story will inspire something else.

Any favorite authors? Books?

Can I have Woody Allen? Keep the Aspidistra Flying, Goodbye to Berlin, Shadow of the Wind, The Concise Chinese English Dictionary for Lovers, Stardust, White Jazz, His Dark Materials, bandits (elmore leonard), red dust, the little chinese seamstress, the golden notebook, the burglar who thought he was bogart, The World According to Garp, the beauty of humanity movement

Jasoni's Wall

Robert Vaughan – Jun 21, 2011

Welcome to Fictionaut, Jasoni!

Marcus Speh – Jun 20, 2011

yo, jason. cheers from berlin. do some damage. (why're you not looking at me?) (who're you looking at?)

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