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Word Balloon

12021202 views55 comments33 favs

Most times a vertical word balloon floats before him.


11321132 views55 comments11 fav

I want you closeI want to feel youinside me,softening me untilmy borders are blurredand I'm hardly breathing,my heart swellingso big itbrings me to my knees,I want to know thepain of losing youeach time youclose your eyes andgo to sleep anddream of someone else,I want to…

The Water

692692 views55 comments55 favs

The phenomena of this water formed the first definite link in that vast chain of apparent miracles with which I was destined to be at length encircled.

You Were At Your Best with Strings Attached

12431243 views55 comments66 favs

You were like a delicate lace that barely mentions the wrist. But you were also at your best with strings attached. Let me say this. If innocence is supposed to be so overwhelming as to do nothing on purpose, not carried away by sensatio

July 16

10961096 views55 comments44 favs

Last night as a duration spent hovering in electronic media-space.

The Shadow People

12131213 views55 comments11 fav

Two summers later, the ritual began. Carol left her house at midnight, having served her husband and daughter a heavy dinner that left them caged in their sleep. She was like a thief working in reverse: she rose from bed with her husband’s first snore,

Full Stop! Punctuation Police!

304485304485 views55 comments33 favs

Picture a scene: Catholic School, circa 1987. In a well-ordered classroom full of future secretaries ...

His Laugh is My Yellow (or explaining skin color to a six-year-old boy)

12181218 views55 comments44 favs

Max is the color of burnt caramelized sugar the sweet crust that decorates our bright enameled pots.

Him and his Father

14051405 views55 comments11 fav

Snow was falling. People passed by the window and wore large coats. Inside, Alex stood in front of the window and watched.

After Watching Zardoz

296296 views55 comments33 favs

Infinite storage space for unreflected patterns.Pretty pictograms from the fields of time and motion.Uplifting monotones despatching Jupiters and Saturns.Remember? The second we crawled from out the ocean,vulgarians of the sunpoised against the tip of a cosmic…

Full Tilt Boogie

17591759 views55 comments11 fav

Your tongue is enlarging... wait, it’s growing hair. No, wait, it’s planarian flatworms, an earthy taste oozing down your throat. A terrible itching spreads from your solar plexus, under your skin everywhere. You know if you scratch even once, you won

The Tree That Took Brooke’s Faith Away

14211421 views55 comments33 favs

The thing was, though, she couldn’t shake the image of that dead dog she had found inside the black trash bag she thought could be first base, right before the twins said, Screw the game, let’s swing.

How to Fuck Kanye West (Up the Ass) by Donald Trump

17401740 views55 comments44 favs

[marbles] [blither-blather] [blarg]

Thick Rib of the Lamentation Animal

15461546 views55 comments66 favs

This violin of oneself, this rough strum of I, arc of wing over thick rib. This masturbatory chirping like the meat of God clenched in your teeth, an apostrophe giving aloneness possession over the inarticulate, a bridge between chords.

Ready to Surface in All Respects

10821082 views55 comments55 favs

Our realtor is worried about selling our apartment. He believes it is a submarine. We cannot convince him otherwise. I agree that our apartment is a little small and more than a little cluttered. We have a lot of books. The sensation of standing or sitting in our…


946946 views55 comments44 favs

My father is the kind of man to shout at you / just because you took the wrong road / at least the road that he’s not used to...

Lewd in the Library!

13991399 views55 comments33 favs

The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue just came out, and all over America librarians are flipping through its pages and rolling their eyes. The swimsuit issue, which isn't actually about swimwear at all, but, is, instead, about young, beautifully shaped female…


10881088 views55 comments44 favs

It was noon and cloudless when I pulled over next to the icehouse, wedged in the X formed by two dirt roads.

Dear Poetry Editor,

13501350 views55 comments00 favs

I like to think of my poetry as fungus, sprouting out of the dank and fertile soil of my imagination.


12931293 views55 comments44 favs

He reveled in the chase, giddy when just out of arm’s reach. When to catch him, that was the question.

Not Writing

10571057 views55 comments33 favs

I don't look like other poets. / People hardly believe it when I say / "I write poetry, sometimes. / During lonely evenings."

Colonoscopy Serenade

13771377 views55 comments33 favs

Retired cantor Janice Woltag Cohen just turned 50. We Boomers all know what that means. It's Colonoscopy Time!Colonoscopy! That fabulous 50th birthday present you give to yourself. Yes, it's yucky. But it's absolutely necessary. (It could save your life.)As kids…

Пушкин и Baudelaire, via странников

844844 views55 comments44 favs

—but night does not reduce me to sleep / the dragging minutes keep awake / the dark that only opens its deep . . .


11821182 views55 comments00 favs

Not like a Palestinian mother clinging to her baby shot through the belly or the baby clinging to the last moments of life in the arms of his father who, when the life departed, held him up over his head

Chipping Granite

11901190 views55 comments33 favs

I sat at the kitchen counter, aware of a heaviness, a numbness, in my flesh, my bones, my mind. My dancer's body -- short, trim and 108 pounds -- felt as huge and unmoving as the…

A Study in Plastics

988988 views55 comments00 favs

She sat Indian style against the strawberry tree. In her hand she held a little mirror and a note that her father left her that morning. What a night, eh? See you in the morning. That’s what it said.

ice becomes a new marvel

11151115 views55 comments66 favs

at all altitudes and at all latitudes / glaciers in furious melt: / both Greenland and Antarctica headed both / to be ice-free isles adrift / and with shorter coastlines amidst higher seas.


934934 views55 comments11 fav

I change things without notice for himto make sure he's ready for the corporate world. It's no longer our goal to watch cartoonswe must now focus on breakfastthenaction figures. "But Daddy," he says. "I likecartoons." "I know it hurts," I say."But…

Bunking off

11261126 views55 comments33 favs

He looked like a black paper doorway pasted onto a painting of summer.

Ben Clarone: Prologue Part 2

10761076 views55 comments55 favs

This was not the bar that the artist usually frequented.