Jennifer L. Lopez


About Me

I've been writing for my own enjoyment for about ten years. All through high school, teachers and friends were sure I'd go to college, major in Enlish, and "become a writer" but I disagreed. I didn't major in English, instead delving into my other love - fashion. Coursework and life in general sort of suppressed the writing for a bit, until my senior year. After graduation, the characters and stories flooded back, full force, and I started writing my first (serious) novel. I currently have one complete manuscript and two in progress, and am seeking an agent to pursue publication.

Why do you write?

I see potential stories and drama everywhere. My imagination is working all day, every day. Sometimes it's just a what-if question that I try to answer. Other times it's taking an issue that could be black/white and dissecting the shades of grey. Occasionally it's a memorable character that grips me, and I have to create a scenario to write him/her into. Once I get an idea in my head, I can't quit. I have to explore all the options, and see it through to the end.

Any favorite authors? Books?

Pride and Prejudice remains one of my favorite books. Dean Koontz is my favorite author. I especially love his Odd Thomas series. I have some writer-friends I've met over the past couple years who are excellent writers, even if they're unpublished. I'd buy their stuff in a heartbeat. I also like Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake series.

Jennifer L. Lopez's Wall

Ramon Collins – Aug 24, 2010

Just read The Reluctant Exhibitionist on O&C. Nice -- but naughty -- work!

Finnegan Flawnt – Mar 23, 2010

hey jennifer - thanks for your wall msg: it IS a small world. cosy, really. i love andrew's new mag and i love "unsuspecting bodies" - great poem. and i loved your story in DDQ 1. the force is obviously with you ;-) see ya around - take care & write well ff

Andrew Bowen – Jan 08, 2010

Good to see you here!

Julie Innis – Dec 29, 2009

hey, so glad you liked my story - and thanks for checking out The Bee King! Really blown away by your work as well - very glad to meet you here on F'naut!

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