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Natural History

10731073 views66 comments55 favs

It sits up tall on its hind legs to take in all of whatever this is, big and bluer than the sky, death's own taxicab parked on its doorstep.

she used to be really wild. she's calmed down a lot

817817 views66 comments11 fav

I remember distinctly the first time I saw Lynda. She was not a stunning-looking girl by any stretch of the imagination. She was short, with naturally blond Swedish hair that she wore in a long ponytail that dropped down her back. It was freezing outs

The Assistant

11461146 views66 comments33 favs

The Assistant is lost again in a grid city. Again she feels disconnected from the world. Where she is the sound has been switched off.

Bringing a New Poet into Your Home

960960 views66 comments33 favs

You may want to pretend to leave once or twice, peeking in through a window from a darkened room, to see how they interact. Never leave a new poet unattended with the pack until you’ve determined that the new arrival has learned to fit in with the other w

The Little Dalai Lama at Grand Central Station

929929 views66 comments44 favs

He followed me through the crowds at Grand Central Station. Wherever I went, there he was, half my height, dressed in the characteristic gold and maroon garb, with a paper cup of coffee in his hand. He must have sensed something about me. Th

Epiphany on a July Morning

11601160 views66 comments44 favs

It's that day in July when you feel really bummed because you can't find your favorite white sleeveless shirt that you wear on the hottest days of the yea

You'll Never Get Anything Accomplished on an Empty Stomach

11051105 views66 comments00 favs

The Star Trek marathon ends, and he flips channels. An episode of Full House is on. The cheesy plot lines and attractive women (specifically, DJ Tanner in the late seasons) have become a freakish comfort. In today's episode, the Tanners are baby sitt

The Coming of the Apocalypse

14151415 views66 comments33 favs

The Operations Management Guru was visiting the twenty-fourth floor on Tuesday, and everyone at the company was wicked with fear.

The Lobbyist

10461046 views66 comments33 favs

I looked down at Earth and imagined this porn star who’d asked for my help.

Sky Without a Song

13061306 views66 comments66 favs

He hung up and I sang some whiney lyric about wanting him back. You know the songs that say the same shit: I’m an idiot. Love me anyway. I’m Velcro with nothing to stick to and you’re a nappy surface that gives me a reason to exist.

Point of Grace

12491249 views66 comments55 favs

Say the world is a smudged charcoal drawing. Slit from its frame, smuggled out of the Vatican. Don't say it couldn't happen. Who would know.

Crazy Later

12691269 views66 comments22 favs

A year ago, my neighbor was a sexy graduate student in fashion design, sounds perhaps shabby, yet if it is, then we in the Middle West are all shabby. That girl's father graduated from high school with Bob Dylan in Hibbing, not entitling her to a child.

Micro Trilogy

12651265 views66 comments77 favs

I start with a morsel of truth, then hide it with lies...

Little Ditty Down

814814 views66 comments44 favs

I got caught writing poems at the paint factory several times before they fired me I got caught in the middle of one of my best lines but can’t remember what I meant to say anymore, but I know, just know it was something real good,

The Dances

10371037 views66 comments33 favs

". . those incandescent secrets she would pepper in. The sister who ran away."

Unattended (novel excerpt)

17551755 views66 comments22 favs

A sticky glass. An open copy of Outside magazine. A flat part of the meadow that reeked of blood and cologne. A dog (my dog) hidden in the closet, shivering so hard the hangers jangled.

Freeway Deaths Attributed to Talk Radio

11351135 views66 comments00 favs

"I was just coming home from work listening to Consumer Dave," said Murrietta resident Mick Baylor, through his attorney, "when my eyelids started getting droopy. And he was just talking about how Circuit City was going out of business and I was. . .well,

Brock & Cheryl: Comp

12591259 views66 comments44 favs

This Tippy’s name was Cheryl — something both of them were so far not committing to paper or saying. Unusual in a salesman, she thought. He is insincere and intends to sell her something.


10931093 views66 comments55 favs

It was the sodabottle glasses that scared Entro the most. Stubbled with scratches, taped with residual angst and piercing his soul with contempt he’d seen only on the National Geographic Focus Antarctica series - as Seals readied to mangle for Alpha bragg

The Conversation Killer

11561156 views66 comments33 favs

I stand corrected once more.


15931593 views66 comments11 fav

Cold water shocked Ernest's face. The evening with Gracie had his nerves hot and popping. She was his fifth date and the closest to his memory of Sadie in college so far. He looked up at himself in the bathroom mirror with his mouth agape. Redness flooded…

The Wedding

10101010 views66 comments55 favs

Anneliese inserted one of her crystal drops in Hymen's left ear and kept her left earring in. For a quarter, she bought a handful of cashews and plopped them on a red napkin.

Hope's Amanuensis

11441144 views66 comments55 favs

I was low on carburetor / oxygen and my fraud protection / had just expired.

Art Survives

775775 views66 comments55 favs

Forget the salt erasure of Carthage,/ all the Meso-American artifacts/ smelted to float the Armada

Jagged Dog Story

11391139 views66 comments44 favs

But I had learned from ingesting Roberto’s glitter-eyed fear, it could make you never close enough, and then, never far enough away. And both at the same time.

Dishwater Panacea

11401140 views66 comments33 favs

Suds, like gossamer bandages at her wrists, concealed the turbulence below but could not relieve it.

A Little Load of Paint

11731173 views66 comments55 favs

Cézanne sags during a moment of paint. There is an umbrella in the room whose surface collects his thoughts. Outside, in the rain, the grass and garden smell strongly of spring. Fruit litters the table. Light through the window writhes in conversation with shape and…

13 imaginary friends

10431043 views66 comments66 favs

1. He had thirteen imaginary friends. They knew him better than his mother did.2. His imaginary friends were all born of a cat on the night of a blood moon.3. His imaginary friends had grey skin and red eyes, giving them the appearance of dead people. Their cheeks flushed…

Breaking Point

974974 views66 comments55 favs

I can do the hot coals, no problem. Or, your love, eyes closed. Or your sneer, spank, suffering, resentment, rejection.

The TV

570570 views66 comments00 favs

The absence sits on the window sillIt looks like the tree growing in front of itlimbs long and crookedwretched clocktime passes like torn silkShe sits at the mirror looking past thingsHer TV blasts the newsconfront the questionCovid -19 The vaccinationTrump is…