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I'm Never Going Home

993993 views66 comments44 favs

After the ship stopped shaking, the angry flashes of warning lights discontinued, a few people could be heard sobbing or whispering prayers.

Falling Rocks in Equal Doses

803803 views66 comments55 favs

Not sure I remember what's important, but I remember you. That's the whole problem I think. You're a drain where all my words wind up going down. All of them get lost inside of you. Eventually. And I'm left with nothing to say. Because all my words are…


12611261 views66 comments66 favs

That was the start of it, the vigils. Every night at the foot of the Gilt Spears a group of people congregated in a housing estate to look up at the stars. Housewives with working away husbands, fractious toddlers hanging upside down…


11981198 views66 comments22 favs

I pasted a sample paragraph of my writing on the website 'Who do you write like?'.

Peanut Time

11471147 views66 comments22 favs

A peanut, who knoweth

it was after a revolution, or a war, or some disaster

991991 views66 comments33 favs

I had this dream. We were living together, and we were in bed asleep when strange, enormous cats began crowding around our windows and meowing. They made awful scratching and scraping noises at the windows, trying to come in. But I couldn’t wake you up.

Lips of an Angel

13131313 views66 comments55 favs

“Hey honey. How are you?” The man sat down in the office chair, his cell phone pressed against his ear. Light peeked beneath the closed door from the main area of…

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 60

10101010 views66 comments33 favs

That is a pretty damning statement.

Relationship S&M

11771177 views66 comments66 favs

"Absolutely. I get better at it all the time." he confidently replies. He reminds me that it was all her idea. They were online friends when she suggested it. "She loves it." he tells me again, but I think of her sad eyes as she walked upstairs to tend to

In Her Wake

14621462 views66 comments22 favs

A piece of her skull landed here. But it fell off. Then I couldn't find it.

Carpe Diem

10191019 views66 comments44 favs

And as you try to read, he appears. No, not in front of you, but somewhere just behind your eyes. You hear the sound at the end of an argument, just before the kiss; you see a shirt fall to the ground in late summer; you watch him read as his mouth


10751075 views66 comments00 favs

To be perfectly honest, I was lousy at my job. Or at least most aspects of it. The typing wasn’t a problem: I can get up to a hundred words a minute on a good stretch of unbroken text, and I’m pretty accurate. I even edited as I went, fixing passiv

Low On the Hog

11321132 views66 comments22 favs

Living lower on the hog than anticipated lower on the hog than previously expected lower on the hog than desired Living on the underside of the hog belly pretty much bouncing on the ground beneath the aforementioned hog belly Living clos

Who Better?

134134 views66 comments22 favs

Who better to return to at the end of the day? Can't wait to get home. Empty my pockets and wash my hands. Who better to lift a glass at the start of dinner? …

Notebook (excerpt)

10381038 views66 comments44 favs

I try as much as I can to write but only in as much as you believe―am I successful.

Seeds of Summer

983983 views66 comments33 favs


In the Pink Distance

10111011 views66 comments44 favs

in the pink distance / a boy in a corduroy shirt / sits before an upended electrical spindle / and drinks a vodka gimlet

Imported Beers of the Romantic Poets

11361136 views66 comments11 fav

She burps in beauty, like a frog Who sits on lily pad so green, Resounding nightly in his bog But to my eyes unseen.

The Scholiasts

12041204 views66 comments22 favs

It was already 3:30 PM. Where had all the time gone? Linda looked up from her computer monitor over at Carlos, who had his face intently pointed at his. "We have to go soon," she said. "We want to avoid rush hour traffic.""Where did we put the address?" Carlos answered, not…


13521352 views66 comments33 favs

That’s what she left behind, and I put it in my mouth and swallowed.


11941194 views66 comments22 favs

cotton balls in your ears do not deafen you to the rocking of your mother's she and the new uncle set forth on the turbulent sea of their maiden voyage.

Bosch's Last Words

13051305 views66 comments55 favs

I / go my / way alone

Lucky in Love

10341034 views66 comments55 favs

Clasped his hands behind his head to give a moment’s thought to love and how it had never quite clarified in his mind to run pure and sweet.

Last Visit to the Toy Store

12371237 views66 comments00 favs

The two walked around, taking in all the classics: the imported Russian matryoshka dolls of varying styles and bright colors; spinning tops, red Radio Flyer wagons, kaleidoscopes, and wooden yo-yo's invoked memories of Christmases past. The hand-stitched

Almost There

10341034 views66 comments33 favs

On the phone I asked my mother how she was doing. “I’m getting old,” she said. “Going slow. But getting there. I’m ninety-four!” My mother was always 94, when she was really 93. I remember she was 93 right after she turned 92. And 92

The Beginning and End of Comedy

15271527 views66 comments11 fav

Puberty, for Ellen, was less than an overnight event—yes, she got her period in a more or less timely fashion, but what her doctor referred to coolly as secondary sexual characteristics—namely, boobs—took their damned sweet time in coming.

Time Capsule

12831283 views66 comments66 favs

He pours another shot and says: Then I buried it in the yard. The time capsule I mean. You have to plug it in to see. I wonder if they’ll know.

Tethered Lashes

12671267 views66 comments44 favs

Corina's skin is a circus tent. Her red-striped peppermint scars are a reminder of Christmas and family traditions. The obedient poodles of her childhood dreams jumped through hoops of fire until they became bald and grotesque. Poor dears, now, they no longer yap. They…

What my daughter knows I know or some likely version

946946 views66 comments55 favs

He doesn't call, not even on her birthday. She doesn't mention it or complain. She knows she doesn't have it as bad as some, even in this privileged Triangle of North Carolina. She is white and pretty and belongs to what's left of the middle…

The Ex

12841284 views66 comments11 fav

In his mind, he could hear Eve’s voice, “We had some good times, didn’t we?”