Most discussed stories


11951195 views99 comments66 favs

Everyone loves a story of love unrequited. But what about the stories of the unrequited lovee?

Lost Clouds

10651065 views99 comments77 favs

This is a nice illusion, here with you. The world Is meant to fill your eyes. You remind me of Everything right now. This is a nice illusion, here with You. It's all morning light. The wind playing with your Hair lifts my spirits, too. Seagulls…

Thirteen Ways of Nevermore: Arkansas, 12/31/2010

14631463 views99 comments66 favs

MIDNIGHT all day. Bleak December. A chiaroscuro, snowing blackbirds. (Pas de cinq mille, in B minor.)

Let me tell you one last story

16401640 views99 comments77 favs

Let’s be honest, you were cheating on your girlfriend, and I would’ve slept with anyone

Oed is Dead

932932 views99 comments77 favs

I COULD always sleep. Go "home" now and sleep. My body and my fetus—who complain of this torture—would appreciate sleep. I have something to do that is not sleep. I have something to do that is not sleep. I have to try to wake.

Various War Stories

966966 views99 comments88 favs

War Stories #1The Germans didn't like that theJews had such beautiful women.War Stories#2There must have been a war between the good witches and the bad witches. It's the only thing that would account for such troubling times.Woman With Yellow HatWhy did…


13291329 views99 comments22 favs

I won't fail at this like trying to fix a leaking sink without mud grease or washers tinier than Cheerios.

When To Break Up With Your Gynecologist

26752675 views99 comments66 favs

He asked what I used for birth control and I told him, “prayer”. He smiled the kind of smile you smile at young girls who don’t know any better.

The Brazen Bull

15001500 views99 comments44 favs

History is replete with brutally imaginative techniques of torture and execution, but I am the only death machine that doubles as a musical instrument.

Hummingbird hearts in a breadbox

14401440 views99 comments66 favs

We married in the ruins of a pachinko hall, the tiny bones in the pocket of your tracksuit luring a pack of wild dogs out from the underpass.

Listen To Our Birds

13121312 views99 comments88 favs

We know a poem isn't going to stop you From invading our town. It won't get you to Listen to our birds any more than to our Sunsets. That's not why we do it. We know A poem isn't going to break the blade of Your knife like an…

No Flowers in June

10961096 views99 comments00 favs

Of flowers there Are none In June No sun Upon my cheek The gentle breeze Stirs me not The smiles They cloud my vision Birds they Sing their songs But I hear Them not When tears Rain down My heaven.


12531253 views99 comments33 favs

We hit the road, headed west.


13501350 views99 comments66 favs

he’s recognizable in the earliest images of misery: a hand shoving a young gladiator before the lion; the fire devouring a witch in Salem. And here he is. Again.

Perfect Lady

10371037 views99 comments55 favs

I want to write a story about a woman who lies to men about her height.

The King's Largesse

20152015 views99 comments77 favs

This little town lost its mill...

Three New Poems

14711471 views99 comments88 favs

Letter(s)The sky set itself on fire, butit really didn't make a whole lot of difference. Birdsknew not to worry any more thanusual. Trees thought and made the mostof their landscapes as a way ofbeing modern and yet timeless. It's onlypeople who suffer from too much…

Specimen Subterranean: A Review

15021502 views99 comments55 favs

. . . the greater length of the so-called “Montebaldi Corridor” can still be walked without the least exposure to direct sunlight as long as the traveler is not active from 9 am to 3 pm local time.


10261026 views99 comments66 favs

I let go of my properties, my work.

In Mimetic Sympathy with the Dark Core of the Galaxy

932932 views99 comments88 favs

It renders the inner ears inoperative-/ Music that once reverberated inside 
/ the brain-hut concert hall squeaks

Night Moves

12351235 views99 comments88 favs

I could trust that most nights I would drop off to sleep at around midnight and shortly thereafter dream an “us dream”, a how we were dream, a sensing of our bodies undulating, then moving faster, moving with the waves of a special music only we could hear, with…

The River Flows

11091109 views99 comments77 favs

powerless against the memory of the earth-bank and the river flows, through a susurrus field of a million quills

The Clairvoyant Dwarf, The Jester, and the Tame Elk of Prague

13041304 views99 comments88 favs

All were part of the household of Court Astronomer Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) who lost his nose in a duel as a student and went through life thereafter wearing a gold prosthetic one instead and who met and fell in love with a commoner who bore him eigh

Miss Havisham's Fire

12391239 views99 comments88 favs

. . . catching her breath somewhere between ecstasy and surprise. . .


11681168 views99 comments44 favs

I It's been there all week, Nose tucked into tail Comfort found between impact and asphalt II I'm still here logged out, still here Had it with the billboards the check engine light milemarkers... Just…

How to Pass among Mortals

10921092 views99 comments44 favs

Take no form or face beautiful enough to cause warfare, or that which would provoke inanimate objects to song. If a tree wishes to flower in your presence, request that this happen very slowly.


11711171 views99 comments1010 favs

For instance, my sister's husband. If I say brown socks, yellow boxer shorts, fishnet undershirt. If I say plastic bag and two tepid beers. And a voice that glides to falsetto when he: you're a tad too obscene for my taste, Julia, while he tries to light the filter end of…

Wuthering Heights: 21st C Remix (Anti-love version)

13461346 views99 comments66 favs

That Bronte woman had me painted like Eminem’s Stan Or a droog from Kubrick

Chinese Whispers (or Telephone)

265265 views99 comments33 favs


The Cure for Cancer

982982 views99 comments77 favs

Thus, more people can drown// and leave their bones