by Tim G. Young
Today clouds were dancing on the moon
Moon had a fit but drew in a breath
And let out a sigh
Clouds invited all their friends to the party
The one Moon never felt invited to
Plenty of food, drugs, and beer
And as the party kept rocking
Even Moon found a party mood
And shined like a real shiner all around this world
Lighting the night like a super light so bright,
Clouds had to dance in their own shadows
Wringing their tears in real pain over real time
Splashing in deep lakes created on the Moon
So deep, Moon lifted the lakes and shook them off
Into the blackness
Where they floated into light years ahead of time
Dancing the Twist in long forgotten craters
Filled with Dusts of Joy
Souvenirs kept in a box marked private
Moon did not remember
The cigar box when he/she was a kid
Playing with galactic rainbow crayons
While Earth still searched for life
And found it
One lazy afternoon
When the tide decided to rush in
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The Moon is big in Arizona.
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"Even Moon found a party mood
And shined like a real shiner all around this world"
Beautiful. So positive.
Thanks so much Erika.
Fun party. Had a supermoon just the other night. Kept the clouds at bay.
Thanks Matt and Jerry!
*My kind of dream.
Let's dream. Thanks to Gary and Nonnie.