1339 2 0
One day when they were sitting on the curb together at 4th Street and Mendocino Avenue in Santa Rosa and Joe was calling out to passers by in a singsong voice, “Spare change for cigs,” she had persuaded them that they should try to join the circus.
1645 4 4
I folded my problems into pretty paper animals to keep me company. I set them on the Formica dinette set. I jammed some into cracks so they’d stand up straight: organized warfare
1933 24 13
She was still alive when I started to write the story of her life, called Lucy's Story, about her recovery from catnip, but it was not the real story. In the fake story, she took the subway to A.A.
2503 2 2
When the great comet passed over, everyone was at my door with pitch forks and rifles with extra long bayonets. Don’t kill it yet; I want to study its habits.
1556 1 2
Crea grew up above a pet store and now she dreams of cats. There are too many of them to name, a slinking mess of calico, tabby, tortoise-shell, black and white. There are more each night. They whisper to her, words made of hissing mewls. During the…
1673 28 12
At some point, we will have to shoot them/
through the eyes and skull and heart
1429 3 3
“What is the sickness that you have?” Colin behind the glass wondered.
“Too much world,” said Anise Fish.
“We have that in common.”
1154 10 9
At five o’clock Jake joins the crowd at the back door, walks through the slush to the parking lot with Betty Boop.
1474 4 0
Ann finally got her eyes to focus, and there he was, her husband, looking better and happier than she'd seen him in ages, with the same Bombshell she'd seen him with earlier (So it was him). His hand was on the small of her back and he was talking and she
1289 1 0
He first saw her stepping off a water taxi by the Long Docks in the rain at night, her right arm atrophied from some early childhood disease, dangling like an apology, her other holding a cigarette. Her wet black hair hung past her shoulders and her eyes
1233 1 1
Burne-Jones hair and big-boned body ever-suggestive of a Titian Venus ... [meets] ... warm like toast, grey smiling eyes and dartingly light-footed,
832 2 0
Jess threw her books on the bed then grabbed a notebook from a shelf and slammed it onto a writing table. It made a hard pop gunshot sound. Flinging open the book, a page tore. Her diaries were named Annabelle. It was with a blue felt tip pen that she wrote: …
1185 0 0
Her feet are raised upon an embroidered green pillow and she sits naked in a blue velvet chair. Red earrings dangling from her ears, while a red monkey sits at her feet with one leg extended.
She is exotic. A powder blue on her lips and at her navel,
1153 3 1
It worked for a short time and their next album, "The Hirsute Agenda" became an underdog success.
1180 3 0
As they left, Roddy kicked over a statue of a blindfold and half-naked goddess of justice. "I piss on you Justice!" he yelled. The bailiff pushed him out the door as he continued his rant, inaudible.
1161 15 4
It was a dire and dun-colored year when groupies wept and autograph seekers put down their pens.
1085 5 1
Bardan O'Connor stared at himself in the mirror but didn't recognize the image before him. He was pale and looked like death. He tried to psyche himself up for the latest show with a shot of Irish whiskey. He slapped himself hard in the face. "Get it together man." The…
1161 3 2
A true Rowdies fan begins every conversation about the band with a legend. She would be impressed if he knew the story.
1589 10 1
Annie remembers clearly the smell of that classroom, the look and taste of it. Thirty little cruel girls, as cruel as only girls can be, sitting in rows of five.
1034 3 1
He honestly could care less. We should converse, you and I, he says. All right, she says. She lays down the baster in her drawn out way, heel to toe on the countertop, one step in a…
963 3 2
We continue,/Held beyond all surface
Liking it still/And each other/Often surprised:/Like finding garden flowers/No one planted/In summer bloom
1662 12 5
A mile down the road, they found Denny’s. It was only four in the afternoon so there was no wait and the couple sat right away.
1334 15 12
He hiked the hills of her condition
She biked the path of his delight
1065 10 4
Contest rules are simple. Two teams of five hunters each are established by drawing from pools of interested volunteers and selected prison inmates confined for capital crimes and illegal immigration.
893 0 0
The men stir around so aimlessly
1277 11 9
If you can’t consummate tomorrow / you may as well just annul the future
1005 4 1
1. They Don't Know When To Fold 'Em Gambling junkies are lit on losing their ass and almost can't wait to unload their money, and then reel on home and bounce off the walls or whatever. For these guys, losing's the jackpot, and deep in the hole for…
1258 2 0
A university student who triggers a flash mob in the heart of Silicon Valley to prove her hacking creds finds herself in deep trouble when the colorful members of Anonymous Hackers prove their hacking creds to her.
1350 11 7
She smacked his back a couple of times with the flat of her hand
373 1 0