432 3 2
in dark recesses of this morgue of earth / where beauty of the good does not compel, / where evil's horrors seldom do repel— / Americ gods reign o'er from birth to birth.
613 7 4
As Sebald says, I grew up in the shadow of war....
562 0 0
I found him on the internet the other day,
His air laconic, the beard now ashen grey.
2577 6 1
He is my daughter's son and his father's worst enemy.
1328 7 2
She had liked her new husband's sternness, and the way he ran his hands over her body, noticed every inch of it, made her feel not invisible.He traveled during the week, wore cufflinks, worked out in hotel gyms. On the weekends, they redecorated her house and tried to…
1356 12 11
When I no longer know you, what signal will you give to remind me that you and I once loved?
941 4 2
“Oh, I shouldn’t complain, I guess, but she did tend to get a leetle bit too caught up in that Hindernet thing, but I suppose that’s something younger people do today. Why, she didn’t even hear me when I would ask her for something! Can you imagine?”
1281 2 0
[B]y fleeing the city to live on the outskirts of nowhere—a place so far off the beaten path that even Duras’s aging Mr. Andesmas would have felt isolated—I was of course trying to escape from none other than myself.
2493 33 30
I dropped out of college and flipped a coin, a 1929 half-dollar, and decided if heads, suicide. If tails, a life of perpetual travel.
1214 3 1
The sugar cookie sits on the cold counter. Alone. He is cut in the shape of an angel, a fact which often causes him to contemplate the possibility that he may not be a cookie at all, but an angel. Who says he couldn’t be?
503 3 2
It was also witnessing the emergence into explicitness and clarity of everyone's expendability.
1053 4 2
A daydreams about a woman whose name he’s forgotten next to B, who’s been drunk since afternoon.
576 2 0
An American Indian (in a suit) at
the museum reception, eating pelican wing
which looked like enlarged sections of
older pulpy (pink) grapefruit
When asked why he was eating this,
he said that eating pelican wing gave you
the ability to fa
2110 10 6
If you could look out to either side of you, you'd see the signs. Restricted Area, Danger Keep Out.
963 0 0
Call it what you may but misfortune, bad luck, disaster, adversity and trials of different calibers can hit us at any time.We are human. We experience the ups and downs of life everyday. Out of a job, lack of money, health insurance and other luxuries that some people…
546 2 2
"Why?" is the question I ask, but no one is around to answer. What would an answer change anyway? But it is all I can do. So it is all I can do.
1065 7 5
I dreamt, said the Donkey, of an apricot. An apricot the size of a heart. …
1398 7 3
My daddy made all these gold records on the walls, died, and left me to run BadSmack Media, even if I could only manage to run it aground.
1166 5 3
The new king hunted often. We heard her whirring above, the terrible whirring a forest of—, and she drifted over our city half dangling from the chopper, rifle barrel glinting.
1106 5 2
The past operates with incredible gravity. Powerful, efficient, deceptive. Thin, sleek cords sent out by it attach themselves to your back, your legs, your buttocks, the back of your head. Resist. Walk. One leg after another. Easy does it, like a baby. Do
989 5 3
dealing with an over-aged imaginary friend gone rogue
1495 11 11
It’s like faith. My battle buddy is out there, I know it, but I can’t see him, nor can I hear him. I just know he’s there, trusting he’ll do what he’s supposed to do, and he’s trusting in me.
1048 4 4
What’s your favorite emotion? Mine is ripping the sky apart and standing on a star outside of time.
1648 16 11
In this episode the children in the classroom will all wear boxes over their heads and will search the room with their hands. Their hands will be hands that have been reconnected. Their hands will wear seams as sleeves and curse in red. The hands that…
1121 1 0
Once upon a slime there was an Edenlike place that existed in outerspace all by itself. It was lonely, this little rock in space
1087 2 1
. . . I just didn’t think to call the mortician from the phone outside the grocer’s store, how gauche that would have sounded to any passers-by, a call to a mortuary from outside a grocer’s store!
978 3 2
The boys were his biggest nuisance. The unwashed guttersnipes poured into the park early, all shoeless and half shirtless. He only imagined how thick the fleas must be in their thick tangle of hair, of which only two didn’t have covered with a cap with an
1001 8 7
The machines of her perception/
tuned themselves to frequencies//
that peeled her skin and fatty tissue
793 0 0
I’ll widen a wing out of myself, if you want. I’ll wash out the more volatile salts of man’s innate salt. I’ll awaken the milky sense the night sky’s made of, under Van Gogh’s heaven. Use the same salt wind sailing over all origin, the rim of the cup an
573 0 0
Me undressing at the side of the road, broken like an unstrung Sappho, blood lust going full force. Sexual organs like living rooms, exposed before God and everyone. Lights came on across the reservoir, and I was down on all fours in the cinders and dust,