Alphabetical stories

Bitter Love Story

13841384 views88 comments22 favs

the dogneck gave no support

Bitter Orange

12441244 views00 comments00 favs

A poison bouquet of Merlot and brown floor muck bloomed in Seth’s nose. It’s one thing to sniff a freshly decanted red and another thing to shower in it.

Bitter the Sun When It Is in Hades

785785 views55 comments00 favs

Bitter the sun when it is in Hades High fans meaning nothing keep the heat down but the nitre keeps burning So glows the gloss and high sheen on the skin Foreheads exhibit thought though the eyes are crossed and at night, butterflies i

Bitter Tide

11111111 views1818 comments1010 favs

I loved without marriage and the men loved without divorce and we loved a twenty-four-year-old eating and how gracious she shone over a tame bottle of beer.

Bitterness: Poem

14381438 views22 comments11 fav

Standing hard at the windowCold clouds move, slowBlue horizon in the distance—It's just a slice of blue.All this beautyI miss it in the bitterness.I'm consumed by the missingThe emptinessThe unfairnessAlways some unfairness cropping upand capturing joy.Glancing high…

Biz One-Upmanship 101

11081108 views00 comments00 favs

"One-upmanship" is a strategy for defeating an opponent somewhat unfairly without actually cheating.


867867 views11 comment11 fav

my soul is black and it's deep like heartbreak and heavy as stone and as thick as ink and it is pressing on top of me like last nights one night stand like dead weight so that I can't lift my arms or spread my legs it feels like I am walking through mud but it's…

Black & White/ Color

20162016 views9898 comments3333 favs

We had them in our bunk beds in the trailer, before Becky fell and broke her neck.

Black BoBbY BuRiED

974974 views44 comments22 favs

Bobby turned black yesterday. Not like his ethnicity, or skin color. But his soul. Not his soul. Not black either. But a violet desecrating blue. That kind of blue that use to sit in the ocean, then dried up, and vanished into a big terrifying stupor. He looked at me with…

Black Bombers

12271227 views2323 comments1111 favs

The missions never change:/ To plant a bed of fast-blooming/ Flowers of annihilation/ Across an unspecific plain.

Black Children Learn Derivatives

11641164 views55 comments55 favs

The white faces of the train look up in an attempt to satisfy presumption, smoothing out any interest into glassy eyed gestures toward looking but lacking the very important quality of sight.

Black Coffee

15681568 views55 comments44 favs

“I don’t see how anybody could do it.” “I could do it. I could do it because it ought to be done. When a thing needs doing, it’s best to go on and do it.”

black crescent curved under

853853 views33 comments11 fav

I hope my blonde down still beats in your heart, and the black crescent curved under, you will remember, and I would move toward your window where my own heart lay in a dish, with the thick valley lifting. Remember, I crossed and uncrossed my legs f

Black Eyes, Blue Tears, and Dark Thoughts

12131213 views33 comments11 fav

At five a family relative took my life away from me and no one cared

black friday

11121112 views33 comments11 fav

She is laughing, watching me spit out a mouthful of seaweed. It's a soft kind of laugh: small gasps between small sounds of her eyes closed, curling with the corners of her mouth. Her left eye curls a little less, closes a little more than it did when she laughed a year…

Black Friday Crime Scene

977977 views55 comments33 favs

Her name was Christine and she was nailed to the cross of their lust and their greed, and their vengeance

Black Hole

927927 views99 comments88 favs

The falling may continue// forever.

Black Hole Me

10171017 views33 comments22 favs

my fingers vibrate magnetic/ a humming void/ where my brain was

Black Hole of Beauty

10421042 views11 comment11 fav

Surrounded by a stressfull sense of trying to understand the human condition. The flawed characters in the story speak of past violence and conflict. It is about a boy who is dealing with a recent suicide attempt on his own life & the regrets that come wi

Black House

10911091 views88 comments55 favs

I dreamt once a child’s drawing of a house all scribbly black crayon swayback roof crooked chimney. God, do you remember how cold it was that night?

Black Ice on the Bridge

20202020 views2828 comments2727 favs

Acts have no meaning, but they do have / trajectory

Black Lace (a revenge fantasy) 1

17681768 views66 comments22 favs

The stainless steel tiles are cool upon the soles of her feet. Attendants have arranged all of her equipment, both digital and mechanical, including ink and needles. An overhead screen snaps into view, and his young muscled body is revealed.

Black Malibu

741741 views22 comments11 fav

The boys back in the rental office must be wondering why we haven’t left yet. Maybe they thought we just wanted to sit in the car and listen to music.

Black Mariah

11061106 views55 comments44 favs

The war they wage fills everything with holes.

Black Night Takes Bite

943943 views00 comments00 favs

The Black night reached under his shiny silk jacket And touched the steamy leather of his holster.

Black Orchids

13101310 views1818 comments88 favs

I told him he was just paying for his sins. He gave me a look. "Why me?" he asked.

Black Ribbon

847847 views11 comment11 fav

The highway stretches out in front of me, a black ribbon winding into the future; a collapsing probability of possibility connecting me with the past and through it to the future.

Black Squirrel Poem

21692169 views2020 comments1313 favs

disorderly black squirrels / inhabit upper Michigan

Black Stag

4949 views00 comments00 favs

Around and down the curved slope of slippery embankment walked the young black male deer, lifting only one leg from each side, front-to-back then back-to-front, leaning to-and-aft, diagonally digging the heels of his alternate hooves into the quick caramel mud. …

Black Sweater

11141114 views2121 comments1515 favs

A small poem about incipient insanity