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Father Dunne's School for Wayward Boys #6

10461046 views1313 comments88 favs

Instead, we found his red-inked list of boys who would never be saved,

What I wanted in 1981

13631363 views1414 comments99 favs

i stained his hockey sheets right over the red wings

Tutorial Frustration

933933 views1010 comments77 favs

Incorrigible swine,

Dancing with the Marionettes

148148 views1212 comments88 favs


Some Fairy Tale and Sleeping Beauty Poems

58855885 views1212 comments88 favs

The apple his slightly necrophiliac kiss saved her from soaks in the petrified sun, turned to leather, like a screaming skull of summer in its glass enactment case.

Friday Briefings

11001100 views1111 comments88 favs

They could occupy the space// left by creatures larger and more/ evolved.


10681068 views1111 comments88 favs

every timeyou openyour mouthan angel fallsinto a vat of whiskyshut ityou're fucking up heaven2013 - Rene

Vitamin D

11931193 views88 comments88 favs

I caught her a-feasting with her eyes and smilin' at that Jesus- haired Waffle House cook, Dennis Roy, again and I said, “Merlene, my tiny kitty-kat, they's no reason to carry no torch for him ‘cause he may not be with us very long ‘cause, if you notice, they's no…

The Autobiography of the Falsehoods Which Are Not Love

10991099 views88 comments77 favs

he wound up hating the woman he betrayed in his heart for betraying him in her body


15711571 views88 comments88 favs

It took all four of his kids to convince my father to pull the plug. Mom's car crash had left her a vegetable, but of course he hung on. Once they withdrew life support, she was gone in ten minutes. The first thing our father said was that he was hungry. He felt…


18711871 views1414 comments77 favs

a question that (never) left

Here I Am

14841484 views88 comments66 favs

Here I am in the city where we walked side by side, you had driven a great distance and lost your way somewhere where exits left the highway from both directions and unpredictably.

I Go Gentle On You

13451345 views1111 comments77 favs

Prozac, Lithium, shock treatment, a time machine, or to ask Oz that you grow a new heart, whatever it takes.

moon halo

18861886 views1313 comments88 favs

(one of my early works: an image-text collage, animated in flash.)

Memorial Day

14021402 views1111 comments77 favs

War came home tonight. We weep and hug, while he stares over our shoulders, like the statue we'll make of him. We pour a drink for his shaky hands, wheel him past his friends the dead, and lie to each other about other, far off places as if we knew.

That is That

14211421 views77 comments66 favs

Alexander Ivanovich stuck out his leg and tripped Daniil Ivanovich Yuvachev. Daniil Ivanovich Yuvachev stood up, took two steps forward, stuck out his leg and tripped Alexander Ivanovich.


11911191 views99 comments88 favs

She wonders if he will do the dishes. He said that he would, but that doesn’t mean anything. He said he would do them last week, said he would save money, said he would come home last night. He didn’t do any of those things, either.

Forgiving the Governor of South Carolina

21552155 views1010 comments88 favs

(Originally appeared in Fourth Genre, April 2011) The waiting room of the Rosenfeld Cancer Center in Abington, Pennsylvania is my new home away from home, and I'm eager to prove it. When I step on the ridged, black rubber welcome mat and the sliding…

A Woman Who Watches

15241524 views1212 comments88 favs

She was a beautiful woman. I don't argue with that. I welcome it.

The General

13141314 views99 comments88 favs

Where the General is, the world is data and patterns and signatures.

Guinness for Iron

12221222 views1010 comments88 favs

My sister / craves raisons


12541254 views1111 comments77 favs

Lucky for mama, he doesn't like for his women to work.

If "1984" Had A More Upbeat Ending.....

22782278 views77 comments88 favs

Momentarily Winston’s thoughts muddled again. He felt his fingers twitch, a physical sensation which seemed to accompany any recollection from the past. Most of his memories were moments he’d reiterated so many times during his stay in the Ministry of Lov

elegy to the death of an empire

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lol romney

You are here

958958 views1212 comments88 favs

meditation and thoughts run in circles

All the Young Angel Heads

11541154 views99 comments88 favs

I don't think you understand. A sad boy doesn't just die inside, slowly he becomes withdrawn from certain types of lovely youthful reasoning out loud, accustomed to feeling what is expected of him, just to be allowed to survive another…

Wandering the Streets of Fitzrovia

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I’m deathly afraid of the pub crawls of my ancestors, through Bohemia and Fitzrovia because of the ghosts of alcohol already etched inside my veins and the headlong loss of oxygen

Becoming an Author

17681768 views1010 comments88 favs

"good luck, and be assured acceptance for representation or publication is based on different criteria at different agencies and we are sure you will yet find someone mentally deficient enough to give your book a shot."

'The Good Life' Not by Bud Smith

16321632 views1111 comments77 favs

I'm trying to read a Poetry in Motion poem on there wall of a crowded electric train

Tuscumbia, Alabama

15631563 views1111 comments77 favs

My dad at the wheel, my mother's ulcer inflamed, she puked her way across northern Alabama that summer, from Huntsville and the rusting rockets to Tuscumbia, the farthest any of us had been west. We drove through raw, blistered towns,…