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596596 views00 comments00 favs

They had been part of the world for as long as he knew, but they were still an enigma to Timothy. They had an origin but he did not know what it was or what they were. They were both the source and the outcome. They generated and spread the information.

Gritty City Creates Knowledge Zone, But Some Feel Left Out

553553 views00 comments00 favs

Worcester, Mass. is a gritty central Massachusetts city known to some as the Industrial Abrasives Capital of the World, and to others for its numerous railroad car diners.

A Return to Silence

855855 views00 comments00 favs

Instead we dunked the men in vats of grease and boiling water. Instead we tore apart the books from which they emerged. Instead we found the graves of their mothers and detonated bombs.

The Suicider (Long Version)

981981 views00 comments00 favs

He woke up four hours later with the second worst headache of his life. He leaned against the car door, his face against the window, and pulled the handle to open the door, but it smacked against the back wall vibrating the glass against his cheek. He tri

My 50th birthday

12171217 views00 comments00 favs

A customary phone call from home. What are you doing she says? Playing football I retort – what else. The usual sigh and a faint giggle followed. Much unlike how it backfired back in the late 20’s and we were going to make it the reason to break up! The p

Shirley Ave.

896896 views00 comments00 favs

What can I offer you, White Moon?This full night lays black before your stoic assent—and Ibreathe my final breath, frantic—for you. I wait, damned,a bestial lover in the broken dark of the variety market, whisperinga word of forgiveness to an empty window. I…

A Story from the Diamond

745745 views00 comments00 favs

A sweltering heat sits on the field like a fog failing to move. From the diamond, you were able to see the Chicago skyline poking above the apartment buildings like antennas, sending signals all throughout the world.


11521152 views00 comments00 favs

Warranties are what made America great, although hers has expired and the mailbox will remain empty for another fifteen days.

Coffee at Noon by the Window

566566 views00 comments00 favs

I looked at your long fingers in the sunlight, / pale and delicate as paper, and I thought: / Those same fingers were in someone’s pussy

The Idiot King

706706 views00 comments00 favs

I stayed by the idiot king in his box, never ranging far, never letting the box out of my sight.


11091109 views00 comments00 favs

Blast! crashed through Shelter of car Violence! of blow! On window glass It winced! on Four wheels

Pigeon Post

10361036 views00 comments00 favs

“Monetising the mecosystem” Theobald blathered, “extend the value proposition, core competencies create cash rich commitment free conurbations…partnership models proliferate non essential services spawning new opportunity…” Peregrine tried to

Fall From Grace

779779 views00 comments00 favs

My usual angel fell from the ceiling and onto the couch.

Unknown Brothers

11291129 views00 comments00 favs

His name is Rick Reynolds. His name is Steve Redford.

Filth and Splendor: A Love Story

11431143 views00 comments00 favs

Solomon just makes people leak. Literally.

Stuffed Animals

901901 views00 comments00 favs

Mr. Skunk looked disdainfully at the window. “When the fuck do we get out of this place?” It was mostly rhetorical as the Skunks were all stuffed and inanimate.

Arcana Magi Memorial Vol.7 - c.1

937937 views00 comments00 favs

The Circle of Four looked at the little girl’s back, and they could almost see the wings, but it could never take shape because of her heart.

Arcana Magi Zero Arc 3 - c.3

898898 views00 comments00 favs

Just as Megumi aimed her spell between Arturo and the shrine, a blast of white light fired like a cannon.

Casualties of War

858858 views00 comments00 favs

When Jimmy – and Frank and John and all the rest – joined up, it all seemed a big lark. Little Mary – she can’t have been more than about five years old – was dead proud her Dad was going off to fight the Germans. I doubt she really knew who the

In the Time of the Chou Dynasty

9595 views00 comments00 favs

Young Prince, drowsy, escapes his Royal Tutor for the kitchen. Sitting on a wood block, he follows the swing of Royal Cook cutting a bullock. Crrk with each swinging chop. Wssh with each rent of flesh."Well done," cries Young Prince."Sire, it is The Way.…

Power Ballad (Revised)

12291229 views00 comments00 favs

Everyone else in the bar was looking everywhere else: it was as though they were alone while Journey played loudly all around. “Streetlights, people,” she sang. Time didn't move. What she must be like while driving, singing to herself with the windows fog

Mounds of Flesh

873873 views00 comments00 favs

Rains came again and wore away at their flesh, revealing bone as white and sharp as sharks’ teeth.

Black Wheat, 5

670670 views00 comments00 favs

Maybe love shouldn't exist . . . If we follow this notion there is no great need Where does it come from, this great need? . . . If (it) is in the blood how do they get it out? If not, where is it If they do not allow thought

The Olympian: A Tale of Ancient Hellas excerpt

13051305 views00 comments00 favs

“You have run for your life, Astylos, and won. All Hellenes share in your victory.” The crowd bellowed and thundered as an attendant tied purple ribbons around the winner’s forehead, arms and legs. These would mark him as a victor for the remaining days o

The Big Faith

784784 views00 comments00 favs

She didn’t want anybody to hear her heaving and crying. She frantically pulled as much toilet paper as possible and stuffed it into her mouth so her sobs would be silenced. Then she slid against the wall next to the toilet and landed on the concrete floor

Kitsch Pastiche

793793 views00 comments00 favs

Once upon a mind-flight Leary with the tripping became weary Of the psychedelic travel Felt the universe unravel

Blind Revolutions

201201 views00 comments00 favs

String, the matriarchal skiesover iron pastures,cyanide and honey. So silent stay the locusts,what mourning there callsto we who shy from sleep? Summer snow here hesitates,for a second still,not for any age. And still is alwaysstill, as the rain is,but the darkness ever…


906906 views00 comments00 favs

“What’s this? What’s this? What’s this?” said Pablo moving from canvas to canvas. He was stunned.

Beckoning Silence

684684 views00 comments00 favs

Your silence is beckoningDrawing us nearThere's truth in a silenceCome over hereTell me your secretsTell me your liesTell me the reasonWhy happy clowns cry...And put on a show for the people to seeAnd why people watch them and want to believeThat the illusion is real and…

Warm Sand And Black Heaven

894894 views00 comments00 favs

He met her at midnight just off the plane and they sized each other with silent growing awareness that no matter what might transpire in distant tomorrows, each served here now as passports to magic and lands far away. On the…