We’re on the phone dead battery & I want this to last forever. The last thing I want to do is make decisions.
I pat my pocket to make sure everything’s in order; a Starbucks blueberry scone to sustain me, a $50 Brooks Brothers gift card from my in-laws, and my “piece”–a fully-charged BlackBerry handheld device.
Tadd Dameron once described himself as “the most misplaced musician in the business,” and one needn’t call the missing persons bureau to determine that he may have been right.
Richard played the piece again, slowly, fingers stretching for the high notes while the left hand kept the bass line moving. Then the theme, both hands hard. The notes on the score blurred, every phrase reminding him of a different melody from a long-forgotten time and…
As Mayumi ran toward the battle, she watched helicopters over the giant centipede explode and rain down on the street below. Lightning bolts, fireballs, and water balls that burst into rain, littered the skies.
Lips to graceful curve, / Found a well from which / This dancing lifeblood comes / (Again and again)...
Rory, she had her top off in the water and I couldn't stop staring at her breasts, which were like my breasts in that they looked like teardrops but her collarbone was more pronounced.
Hits start, enters numbers, runs the program / Does this again one hundred times / Then takes a break
The day I met Griffin Burns was the worst day of my adult life. However, it wasn't a series of unfortunate events, one mistake which followed an unlucky break which followed a bad situation; nothing …
Mayumi and Emi stood quiet. Neither knew who would speak first, or if they even wanted to speak at all. They faced a strange aura now. A growing distance between them building up.
The kid on the floor couldn’t handle it...
When a woman dies too young, Say at 42, Her bones broken, Her body bruised Beyond recognition Much less repair; When she dies Thrashing In the street Amid rainbow-hued pools Of water and gasoline And blood, Anointed on a bed Of broken glass In a…
When the phone rings that late at night, it’s not good.
I got a call from Fiona last night. She asked that I come down this evening, to meet at Penny's place. "It's an Intervention, Al," she said, which told me everything I needed to know about what the meeting would be about.
Ahead, she heard voices. She approached very slowly, as quiet as possible. She knelt behind a pair of shrubs and peeked through a small opening.
We didn't know what what we were reading meant. We didn't even know if we were reading it right. In fact, we suspected that we probably were not.
The Time Traveler had been gone but a minute, when Filby, combing his fingers through his ginger hair, turned to the Psychologist and proclaimed, “That’s the last we shall see of him.”
"If only we could all look like that."
"Truly lovely … such a perfect face."
The gallery was busy that day.
But still the man and woman stood.
If it were certainly troubleThe light would shine through a bubble---I add the s, a “must confess”If I'm blowing you up with anger. Do deliverhigh fives, or two fingers towards the skyThe rest in a depression (the little blues)Will do. To carry you on my arms,…
They left their great need behind
When they were taken out of the country.
They seem to live without thought of that blood.
They do not respond to anything that calls to it.
They seem shallow. They feed on image alone.
Blood does not shake the
That Orndoff! I'd like to shove that pipe of his up his arse.
It is always midnight in my heart; / and melancholy advances from handsome men / only take place in my mind...
At the week's end, memories may come to you Of weekends same as those just gone before, That fade away from seeing as a tide's grey flue, That vanishes once travelled to a shifting shore: Still, hope you'll know a girl for an hour anew, One who fades…
Every trip her mother leaves it until then: Shouldn’t she look for an apartment in a better area; shouldn’t she try for a job with some future? “And, you know, someday you could get married, Carmen.”
The rings on the engine
Not designed for race gas
Did allow for some seepage
Did allow fuel to pass
The fumes were quite powerful
To the pan they did charge
The spark was quite forceful
The explosion was large
"Great jog today," he said, "But the entire length of the run I'm thinking about ice cream and how good that is going to feel."
to think of him looking at me / for he to be I and I to be he / it is almost unbearable / to occupy two bodies at once—
Keiko covered her arm while holding the staff. She looked up and saw morning breaking through the sky, but something was unusual about it.
You will say how easy it was to love him, How he is kind, gentle, Quick to rub your shoulders in the evening And never one to forget an anniversary. They will ask you of his interests, moods, pass-times And you will silently think of…
“Why won't you let me watch you?”My stomach twisted with anxiety at his question, but also with excitement. Tim, my boyfriend of a year and a half, lathered soap on my back as we stood under the hot shower spray. He loved these post-sex showers as much as I…