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Night & Day

12561256 views1616 comments1414 favs

It was oddly quiet, and the air had a strangely urgent quality. The sun came out, and water on the leaves and branches turned oaks and aspens into Christmas trees.

Deep Pockets

21422142 views1111 comments99 favs

Garage-sale variety olive-green corduroy, elbow patches, hems too short. His jacket pocket produced answers one afternoon like strips of paper from cracked fortune cookies.


11961196 views2020 comments1414 favs

I become the accumulation/ of appetites

(From an Awakened Sleep)

16501650 views1010 comments1313 favs

pluck me from the charred grate


20692069 views2020 comments1313 favs

I love to lie when discovered. "I'm your new neighbor." "The landlord sent me." "I'm the ghost of the girl who died on the 11th floor." "I fell from the sky." I wear billowing white dresses and a wide-brimmed straw hat that throws my face into shadow. Peo

Rwanda Suite: Gasoline

12371237 views1414 comments1414 favs

I realize the kid is still smoking. Shocked, I tear the cigarette from his mouth, throw it to the earth, and grind it to death with the heel of my boot.

Laundry List

16291629 views1616 comments1515 favs

• Don’t confuse the virtues of bananas with the virtues of banana bread

Her blue eyes floating on twin clouds of innocent beauty

13041304 views22 comments22 favs

The girl I sat next to said she had just looked up in time to see it, Randy, and it was quick thinking that you avoided it. Randy said he nearly missed it and commented on how Judy was the only one in the world who could discover plastic bubble paste, bab

Migrant Workers

14641464 views1919 comments1111 favs

Emma pushes through the door of the corner market, aiming briskly for her car, keys in one hand, grocery bag in the other, shoulder bag slung. Best not to make eye contact with the loitering boozers and bikers from the bar next door. Double take. Can't…

How It Is

18521852 views1717 comments99 favs

When Ryan isn’t around, those of us who know him lament that he peaked at 17, at Disney World.

Queen Isabella Eats a Pineapple and Misses the Jews

29962996 views2929 comments99 favs

It was Christopher who got her thinking about the Jews again. He had left the same day they did, and so all were connected in her mind, as if together somehow. She read his letters half-wondering if he would mention them, wanting to know if the Jews were

So What

13981398 views1717 comments1414 favs

This morning I heard her downstairs trying to get away silently. I knew she would write a short goodbye note. I knew it would tell me her reason for leaving —she had to be free of my indifference. I dressed, finished my coffee, backed out of the driveway and went to…

Tiny Dancer

15181518 views1616 comments88 favs

This latest married man who lives at a great distance has leeched her energy in that very particular way such men do. Next to him, I am as interesting as long division.


10591059 views2121 comments1414 favs

Let routine/ propel you through/ the day after/ the day before.

55 words

19541954 views1414 comments1313 favs

The patient people who work with the insane are not my kind of people. They are too entertained by the oddness of the inmates and act with a superior sense. I, on the other hand, am odd myself, searching for adherents to my view. The inmates knew me as such and agreed…


17561756 views2323 comments1313 favs

She stepped out of her panties. She spread her arms wide. "Take me!" she sang.

Paleo Prophet

869869 views1414 comments1313 favs

We are insatiable

A Whole Forest Full of Leaves

17991799 views2626 comments1313 favs

A response to Darryl Price's "Hello Is All There Is".


23782378 views1414 comments1111 favs

“When he felt most loved, he felt most _ burdened.” Stephen Dobyns When she loved him she burdened him. She knew he felt a pull but he always resisted it. They went to an old refurbished hotel in Venice and asked if they might see the rooms. …

I Saw the News Today, Oh Boy

14281428 views1818 comments1414 favs

We are infused with fear and dread/ of the world we won’t engage/ except through flat screens and remotes,


14431443 views1515 comments1313 favs

I am eternal/ as long as the power holds

Augustinian Prayer Sonnet

18411841 views1717 comments1010 favs

He kissed her tits and thought of art


25462546 views44 comments11 fav

I go to the seaand turn myself over in my hand like a shell: a hollow conch carried on the resonance of a song long past its singing. My heart is a well and this city, one that is forever in drought.

My Expiration Date Approaches

13341334 views2020 comments1414 favs

the doomed, but splendid, first year GT40.

Papadad: a portrait

13951395 views1212 comments1313 favs

Papadad has one good eye. The other fell out during a rant and has since been replaced by a rifle scope, which he uses to scrutinise enemies.——Papadad is an authority on everything, even topics he has not researched. He expatiates on these at the dinner table,…

Spilled Milk

12961296 views1515 comments1212 favs

(I'd appreciate some feedback on this very weird story.) A Frosted Mini Wheat walks in to a bar...

I'll find you - A Dedication to Mathew Paust

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Matt was among those rare creatures; an ideal kind of reader ...

From The Plague Year 2020

993993 views1313 comments1010 favs

I went to Costco

This Story Isn't About You

20832083 views99 comments1010 favs

"This story isn’t about you, even if it seems as though it is."

Voices of the Dying

842842 views2323 comments1212 favs

raging on road and page