by Bill Yarrow
• Water all the flowers in the graveyard
• Avoid the blisters in the casserole
• Of the serious and the serene, marry frivolity
• Get as much sueño de la razón as possible
• Keep a safe place at a safe distance
• Squeegee the walls of the shower of your mind
• Don't confuse the virtues of bananas with the virtues of banana bread
• Give God two weeks' notice
• Straighten up geographically
• Retool. Refrain. Repudiate. Retreat.
• Do the left thing
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78 words
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A version of this poem appeared in Festival Writer, The Festival of Language E-Journal.
Thanks, Jane Carman.
This poem appears in THE VIG OF LOVE (Glass Lyre Press, 2016).
As a writer, Bill, you waste nothing in life. Everything is real. As a reader, I'm enriched by your words.
"Straighten up geographically"
• Give God two weeks' notice
"Do the left thing."
I've been doing the left thing so long I'm starting to wonder if I'm dyslexic. Maybe time for the squeegee. These are great. *
Love the whole list, but "Keep a safe place at a safe distance" is my fav. *
I like your language and philosophical play.*
from here on out I'm doing the left thing and letting my reason nap occasionally.
Thanks, Sam, Gary, Jerry, Matthew, Jake, Amanda, John, and Tracey.
So playful and thoughtful.*
I really enjoyed this piece, line by line! Something to keep in my pocket for easy referral.
love this "advice", Bill. A great checklist.
Very cool, reflective, & amusing piece, Bill. Hope you'll check out my just posted "To Do Reminders." Seems we think wryly alike, poetically!
Thank you, Joani, Gary, Carol, Jules, and Ed. Appreciate the read and response.
Glad I finally know I should give God two weeks notice. *