1017 4 3
I know I was hungry, she says
to herself, maybe.
I was hungry for what
you had to offer. Your
fast car, your dad’s
ski boat, your prettiness,
your beautiful mouth,
your eyes, and yes for
the joy you could give me
between the legs.
1428 3 3
“Turn the fucking thing off!” I yelled above the noise. “It’s fucking New Year’s morning!”
648 3 3
I can’t hold a job
I can’t hold a hammer
1312 4 4
He looks at me again, this time glancing down at my skinny jeans, “And... are you a single mom?” he seems to think he has it right, taking a last look at my aquamarine colored pants and the tapered area around my calves.
1004 4 4
Of red snappers, flaccid on porcelain slabs...
1205 5 4
“I’m going,” O’Bannon-Krim says with exasperation as she throws trinkets such as Dylan Thomas beer coozies and Edna St. Vincent Millay hair scrunchies into a cardboard box.
1258 5 3
Twenty-two tornadoes tore through Toronto, spiraling steel and stone to the streets where she stood, texting her best friend.
186 7 3
The only promotion I can do. Excerpts from the most recent book.
938 4 4
The graffiti has grown so large
It has covered everything we know and love
It has covered the windows, shutting out the light
And it’s all about leaving your mark
The ones who are living outside your walls
Have grown worried about leaving th
1080 4 4
On our wedding day he carried all of the furniture out of our small bedroom, created a sanctuary.
1282 5 4
Many hours to make a brick: many bricks to make a curve.
844 4 4
in moving cars i am small;
in moving cars i am invisible.
747 6 3
I sit in a café
and watch the near palms of summer
swaying against the far ridge of hills
and young girls walking along
in their sleeveless summer dresses.
Their shoulders speaking their
long history of sex
and future children,
1238 5 4
...listening to the ache of errs our mouths had become.
1164 4 4
A rope is cleaner,
he explains with a straight face.
He's calmed by the visual.
1167 6 3
On Tuesday, he wears his suit to the cafe. Of course they'll let him pay! Of course. Under the table, his wife accepts their wadded bills.
1901 6 2
She reached under the tissue and pulled out a third gift.
“It’s like peeling open my heart,” he said, “one layer for each year.”
1376 9 4
His hair was well groomed. The skin was radiant like apples tossed at the moon. The gym membership was well used, as the weight issue was easily cast into an abyss of loaded memories.
1712 10 3
Several friends—hers and his—hung around the edges of their marriage, and it would be naive to rule out the possibility of a few stray affairs. The thought didn’t anger him; on the contrary it amused him as if it were some trivia question, the answe
1355 5 4
1154 4 4
"..squeezing her eyes and mouth tightly."
1651 2 2
It's true that he had always been more pure than her, looking for the authentic experience, authentic food. And more adventurous. Blogging their way around the world, yes, that had been his idea . . .
885 4 4
1337 5 3
"Bortne! Bortne! Shushort!" she exclaims, shooting her hands over her wobbly head in pleasure, causing it to again pop off. This time, it's a three story drop from a balcony.
Terrified, he yells "Sneeeeew nuuuu! Oh nee padoooo!"
1253 4 3
He’d tossed and turned all night, pondering what to do, afraid she was living alone. He’d decided to email her two words: “Love you” and signed it “Scary Sal,” as she’d always seemed so afraid of him.
2178 5 3
I’ll tell you what I think, I think
Their hopes of a brush with love
Is what keeps the simple cricket
Awake all night
If you find a baby cricket on its back
Fallen on the sidewalk
Struggling with its legs
In the air
Help it to its fee
1155 4 4
I chose coming away because here at least I feel good — and it makes me feel I am growing very tall and straight inside — and very still — Maybe you will not love me for it — but for me it seems to be the best…
555 5 3
Underneath the fence she picked strawberriesThey were nickle sizedand some were red, some were green and some with a littleof both/in between They came up from the ground in little patchesand sweetness could be smelled on the windAs the cloud cover came…
809 4 4
Now your dreams are
headed for the Rhyme or Reason
where they try to convince you
you can do this
Trying to make sense of
1204 7 3
Sometimes you have to go wild; you have just to go fucking nuts. You do.