by Michael Tusa
I don't know how to tell you
That sometimes I'm just no good
I can't hold a job
I can't hold a hammer
I stutter and I close my eyes while I stammer
I look away and then I go away
I close myself off to sound
Sometimes I lie to you
Because I don't want you to know how bad I am
How hard it is for me to go on
How hard it is going around and around
I tell you I'm getting better but actually I am getting worse all the time
You say I have a big heart as I hide in yours because it is twice as big as mine
I have been waiting and waiting
For a free ride to not just anywhere
And I will shoo off dented cars
Rust buckets and rattling leather less cages
I am begging and going on choosing because I have not grown any older since I decided to die
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This is really good work. Not a word out of place. Congratulations!
Love this. It's perfect.
A downer, but good.