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Life of the Mind

15031503 views33 comments44 favs

Days went by as I stood in the woods waiting for a tree to fall, and when none did, I determined the universe is cold and indifferent and that man’s only hope is to buy wood chippers.

9/11 -- The Angel Closes the Rain

644644 views44 comments44 favs

We were clinging to hope and innocence Until the second jet struck the Twin Towers That was when real evil twisted our hearts And we were left without prayer, or power Yes, a couple holding hands jumped from the building But when I was the o


818818 views44 comments33 favs

He called himself Theodore Birdwhistle.

Red Brick

14711471 views77 comments33 favs

The child could hear frogs chorusing outside and she wanted to listen only to that. Inside her grandfather gasped for air and she tried to keep her eyes normal as he smiled at her and put the mask back on. She did not want him to see how much she felt like running…


803803 views44 comments33 favs

I don’t know where I am. It is summertime, at dusk; the dying sun and the newborn moon are low on opposite horizons.

The Art of Madness

13731373 views77 comments33 favs

He had an addiction to elevating himself to higher levels of potential: some would call this ambition.


10341034 views1010 comments33 favs

Palms planted firmly against his temples, Travis paced the room like a caged animal. Giant black bats screeched in his brain, their pointy wings scraping at the edges of his cranium.


11641164 views44 comments44 favs

Gas station mart generic whiskey that smells sketchier than bathtub moonshine. Don’t worry about liver damage or going blind because you won’t be drinking it. You’ll need every drop to disinfect cuts and wounds since you and thousands of others in your co


328328 views66 comments33 favs

night sounds


16691669 views22 comments11 fav

Don’t eat your lunch here For this is where the monsters sit.

First Love

10821082 views33 comments44 favs

What happened then was not entirely innocent or spontaneous. I had been impressed by a scene in Some Came Running by James Jones, where the teenage writer sneaks his girlfriend home and makes love to her on his childhood's bed.

Lines Written in a Honda Civic

13661366 views66 comments44 favs

Raymond Carver used to write poetry in his car. / Tonight, I tried it too. / I have a car like Raymond Carver / but cannot write poetry like Raymond Carver. / The car isn’t enough.

the difference between child-dread and grown-up-dread is the paycheck keeps the tears away

11581158 views66 comments44 favs

the first day of preschool/ my mother walked me down the street/ to a tall building that cut/ like a knife made of bricks/ right into the street,/ an american flag/ sticking straight out/ just above the door.

Twin Lakes of Whiskey

11281128 views77 comments44 favs

not that we ever had before

The Mating Call Of The North American Female Sounds Like The Deep Bellow Of A Birthing Moose

17121712 views66 comments44 favs

"...if Rosie O'Donnell were to attach a horn to her forehead, she'd move up the ranks as the deadliest creature in the world."


14221422 views66 comments44 favs

We lived in a white and mint green trailer in the woods. I was 23. The hanging of the clothes on the line made me feel kind of famous in the eyes of nature

Silly Soliloquy

712712 views44 comments33 favs

If I had alcohol in me right now I'd be singing out loud. I'd turn this boat around & turn it into a karaoke bar. Why is it even worth mentioning? This is why people gaze abstractedly at the ground. Ambition is thirty gallons of gas & a red Silverado. Wishing, on…

Youngish Professor, or Grad Student TA

980980 views33 comments22 favs

Natty looking in his 2-tone shoes and argyle socks blue blazer with 3 gold buttons on each cuff pale yellow hemp or burlap necktie, of course with a blue shirt (never white!!) long mopish hair hanging on his forehead and a

Love Rusts

12661266 views55 comments44 favs

Their love was doomed at the onset, yet they engaged in it anyway, heedless of the numerous error messages and critical runtime failures. Abort, Retry, Fail? They selected Retry over and over.

Habits Die Hard

11971197 views1111 comments22 favs

Although radiation and chemo rendered him a wraith...

Concave and Convex Images

12601260 views66 comments44 favs

It’s all a matter of warped mirrors. As in the multi-mirrored passage I stood before as a boy


13031303 views55 comments44 favs

While space and time opened up for us, the ground accelerated its attempts to devour the astronaut. Grasses grew up around his edges. Seeds propagated in the folds of his suit, tendrils found their way into the mysterious holes for the missing hoses that

The Angel Closes the Rain

935935 views44 comments44 favs

I may have gone A little soft in the brain But I swear I still see it The angel closes the rain Even God has to refrain From causing us pain When the angel closes the rain So the angel closes the rain At the end of time The angel mus


10931093 views55 comments33 favs

Maybe you, citizen, should be a jerk. Jerks get where they are going. You, citizen, what about you? Handy, dandy, where’s the jerk? Conformists. Sheep. All of you, all of us, boiling out our radiators. Spending our day, our days, our lives in coope

I Am In Frequent Contact With You-Know-Who

16981698 views88 comments44 favs

"I am in frequent contact with you know who, and am able, most of the time, to surreptitiously send messages all day long every day, whenever I am inspired."

In the Dark

622622 views88 comments33 favs

In the dark I rode naked feeling quite exposed...

Lost In The City

11511151 views77 comments44 favs

They found it naught however as it was lost at metro stops, canceled appointments and in ever dimming light that failed to reflect what was instead of what could have been.

Floating Just Floating

489489 views44 comments44 favs

He didn't know why he kept writing. There was no reason to write. People ceased reading. They played video games. They watched Netflix. They walked down crowded city streets staring at smartphones. He was sustained in some weird way by the momentum of writing. As if the…

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 32

10521052 views55 comments44 favs

—You know, Angelique, said Elaine Aster, dabbing her lips with a napkin, I’ve opened a new gallery in Paris.

Leaving Home

13981398 views66 comments11 fav

She refused to leave her parents to marry him.