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994994 views44 comments44 favs

Robert Frost told me that life goes on, but that’s just not good enough for me and for God’s sake it shouldn’t be good enough for you either, should it?

White Moon Between Two Yellow Trees

263263 views77 comments44 favs

the moment love endures is the moment we disperse

The Frog

974974 views44 comments55 favs

Publisehd in Linguistic Erosion When Jesus and Magdalene began to cross the sunflower field they met a group of boys, squatting before a rocky outcrop. Covered with…

walk off the animal

10871087 views1010 comments44 favs

I don’t know how some can do it. Can they just walk off the animal in the yard or something, and forget about love altogether? Some have that built-in coldness of the soul, I guess. I don’t get it. The blood does not seem to shake their hearts. Are th

Day Off Work

983983 views99 comments44 favs

My time glass allocation nears its end.

My Boyfriend Believed in Aliens

12091209 views77 comments44 favs

My boyfriend unequivocally believed in the existence of aliens. He was the Mulder to my Scully, though when I said so, he had no idea what I was talking about. I never understood how someone so E.T. obsessed could have missed 'The X-Files'.He would look skyward, eyes…

I'm Never Going Home

988988 views66 comments44 favs

After the ship stopped shaking, the angry flashes of warning lights discontinued, a few people could be heard sobbing or whispering prayers.

Truth Or Consequence - 4

13661366 views66 comments44 favs

"When we say something is good, beautiful, pious, or brave, what idea or image do we hold in our mind?"


11381138 views66 comments55 favs

When I got to Pete's house he was sitting on the curb smoking a cigarette, bruised and dirty, with a smoking pile of rubble behind him where his house used to be. I hadn't heard yet, but his ol' girl left him and blew up the house when she left.

California Series #101

998998 views44 comments44 favs

Saying this work is reminiscent of Diebenkorn or Thiebaud is a false statement on my partfor whom am I to say if the colors capture the sea in Ocean Park and the thick brush strokes against the milky thighs are the Streets of San Francisco…

The Keratin Experience

10311031 views77 comments22 favs

Lisa Pottratz's mother illustrated fashion for Lord & Taylor from home in the 1970s. There is more to say about fertility, naming, and diabetes.

4 Chapters

10901090 views55 comments44 favs

But I don't see the cabinets, or know how to put the 4 chapters he's talking about today into the drawers that are invisible, floating, above his bed he's been in for a year, me sitting next to him, becoming a spinster.


15491549 views66 comments55 favs

I. Sweet Anthill The anthill is in front of my house. It started with a cupcake I dropped on the ground, frosting first. The ants started to congregate, carrying sprinkles and cake crumbs into the deep sidewalk crack. A week…


13101310 views66 comments44 favs

When the arguing started, their voices would get louder and louder, till they broke into my dreams. That night, I woke and listened in the dark for what felt like a very long time. Perhaps I should have been afraid, but I wasn't. For one thing, they never

Eggshell White Frigidaire

11801180 views55 comments55 favs

He ran for home, screaming for help in the silent ravine.

Third World Problems: On Breaking My Kindle in Africa

11561156 views66 comments44 favs

I blame the fucking mosquito net.

Family Happenings

11291129 views66 comments44 favs

Saturday afternoons: tartan blanket spread on the pebble beach, transistor radio hissing static, fish paste sandwiches and seagulls. Why fish paste, Mum? She didn't dare ask.

Local Man Makes Good

12801280 views66 comments44 favs

A junkyard Bison seems an odd choice over the usual dog, but it did the job--trampling trespassers, vagrants and unautorized salvagers with a violent and admirable efficiency

Back Story

685685 views66 comments44 favs

I wanted you in the worst way but that's not how I got you.


11851185 views55 comments44 favs

Bill decided he hated his neighbors on a Sunday morning in June.

Late Night / Early Morning

986986 views55 comments33 favs

It's 2am. The wind is moving at speed, whipping gently the tree branches, and their leaves rustle simultaneously to create a audible sound, like hands flipping through sheets of paper, or that feeling you get on your fingertips when going across a textured surface. I'm…

Junior League Therapy

856856 views55 comments44 favs

She laughed as she stuck up the word flaccid, it kept falling down

Dear Caddy

10521052 views55 comments44 favs

I would advise the younger you to change your underpants, and not to let those boys do the talking for you.


11331133 views77 comments44 favs

You're a good dog, she whispered to him, a good brave dog. Her face was tight with soap.

20,000 Years of The Apartment For The Dead

999999 views55 comments33 favs

He saw places that he hadn't thought existed. He found his analog from 17,000 years ago praying inside of a white pyramid in Kathmandu, and saw how the fireballs being catapulted through the air outside were stopped in midair by a beam coming from the top

Mercator Projections

8989 views66 comments44 favs

the devil is beating his wife

A Walk on Ferry Beach, Maine

10371037 views55 comments33 favs

"and I turned to you, at some joke we shared, and saw winter ease its hand,"

Bearded Lamb

543543 views66 comments33 favs

I was bleeding from the soul It took its toll I fell all the way down in a hole I saw some burning coal I didn’t know where the hell I was Or what went wrong As I sang some unholy song Where I did not belong There was a frozen carcas

Metaphor Therapy

10551055 views66 comments44 favs

"Psst! You can't hide behind a broken dream.The gardenia's hint that fills your air with her perfumed scent will remain like a residue on your mind. I wish there were an antidote I could share with you, but alas, my apothecary drawer is empty. Many times it's been my…

Ugly People

18741874 views1313 comments22 favs

They stumble and curse prettily, their thin arms traversed with colored lines of drainage from the swooping trays, snakes of pricey liquor tinkling down their armpits and disappearing into unwashed bras packed with soggy filler.