by sara t.
Steam rising off asphalt
Hose down the garbage trucks
Briny smell of nearby ocean
Luxury liner docks at this edge
Bike shops, vintage shops, after hour bar shops
Mom and pop diner and new big box store
Renewal in an old city
Awnings and lofts
Replace dime bags and needles
Bottle this moment
And sell as is
A home brewed beer
A glint of bubbles
But not champagne
Then this place would be
Designer shops, 5 star shops, hotel boutique shops
Un-affordable, cold,
In a fancy glass
No fingerprints
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88 words
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Inspired by the neighborhood i work in Red Hook, Brooklyn.
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Great feel for imagery in this piece, Sara -
"Renewal in an old city
Awnings and lofts
Replace dime bags and needles
Bottle this moment
And sell as is"
I really like the progression of lines. Wonderful ending. Good work here.
thank you, Sam, appreciate your kind words.
Good poem. You awoke my senses with this one. Like the line, "Briny smell of nearby ocean."
Well done! I like the images presented here. I like the form here too—it’s almost like a list (in the best sense).
So nicely done, sara. Lovely imagery. I agree with Christian, it reads like a list you could sing.
Picture by picture poem this one, Sara. Beautiful! Love the double meaning on the last line!
love red hook (the red hook that was) and you do a great job of juxtaposing the new/old worlds.