1061 10 4
Contest rules are simple. Two teams of five hunters each are established by drawing from pools of interested volunteers and selected prison inmates confined for capital crimes and illegal immigration.
1314 9 5
Then I would say to my new friends, “My God, look at all the weight you’ve lost.” Even when they hadn’t lost any. Even when they were fatter than before.
918 6 5
Your begging hands are hacking me up again like garden claws that know not the difference between a delicate solar powered flower and a tightening choke of killing weeds.It's not like it's even mine to keep-- like a legal document I'd…
1069 5 3
Now that school is back in session, we move through our days like cage fighters, tagging in and out of matches: The Battle of the Bottle, The Diaper Duel, The Pout Bout. So while I'm assembling a casserole for tomorrow, Susan feeds Margot. While she washe
1260 9 4
Because you alone must know how to make a smile shine at me and be like the sun, I can only feel its warm and coolish colors becoming that perfectly deepened yellow then on to the red if you please that makes a shy kind of blue out of day. That…
1141 8 5
1089 6 5
I know someone in need of healing.
813 12 4
Strauss does all the stirring at the start./
The rest is all murk and meander
927 5 5
We were always going to be here. This isn't thebig reveal. It's not even the best last joke. That's to come. Like the apocalypse that it always wants tobe, like playing with the big planet gods. Nothing says we're all doomed like another cold beer. Wave the…
1173 7 5
This late November day there are too many leaves filling the yard.
1279 6 5
I'm in love with Uzma Goef, a beautiful young woman less than half my age.
410 5 4
“—but although we've catalogued instances of this on other planets, it seems never to've led to the global outbreak of psycho-phrenias and neuro-pathologies as those that plagued the Tiānxiàns!”
1721 8 5
Your pajamas torture us.
When moist they uncomfortably cling. They have evil buttons, and they cause us to stumble on them in the dark.
672 6 5
For PearlSo radiantly a threat to themare you, so radiantly a threatyou present, my dear, but between usthere is still that unspoken pact; justone more song, please. So radiantlyyou fill their cups with the beauty ofleaves and grapes. So radiantly yoursmall reassuring smile…
1369 10 4
Jasmine as skeined skins… of liquid hers, by willow courts, the lychee's water wains: as apple-moats flush fawn in russet light, through cherry floats, the leopard-dots of dawn. Branch to branchlet green …
1265 6 5
was about a girl/he never met/across cold steel tracks/at cold sunsets.
2485 10 4
She first asked him to marry her when she was five, when 'marry me' meant 'I like you more than anybody else' and she loved everybody around her who was nice to her. And he was so very nice to her. …
1487 7 3
the air is a fierce tangerine tonight
845 5 5
most famously, a small/
writhing dog. A thousand casts were made/
before they stopped
1035 9 4
My dad / always had a fondness for Raleigh’s kind of loss
753 6 5
That was the year I got my Daisy bee-bee gun for Christmas....
1023 6 5
Sometimes the dirt just stays dirt
1304 8 4
"This tastes like goat cheese," I said.
1297 6 5
Someday, the Grim Reaper, wrapped in hooded cowl, the thorny stem of a red rose clenched between his teeth, will climb up the garden trellis to my bedroom window
1498 10 5
It’s a song you knew once, begin to remember now: You’ve had this dream before.
1393 9 4
None of us took it too seriously when Gregory from underwriting said he was dating a real-life witch. Being an underwriter is not as interesting as say being a writer. That's why the greatest underwriter in America, Ajit Jain, gets paid per hour what Jame
1901 7 4
Teddy laughs like a machine gun. People back away when they hear him. Every time I see him at work, I try to make his skinny body rattle. I would never back away.
1126 5 5
Her name was Carrie. And yes, it was love at first sight. Yes, she was a client, and you were supposed to keep your hands off the clients. Everyone in real estate knew that. She came into my office and took a seat in the reception area. I had a listing on Cedar…
865 8 4
I now felt prepared to waltz under a K bullet that hits a stucco brick above the tropical hibiscus.
1002 6 5
Posit butterflies/
as evidence of heavenly design.