by David Ackley
Seen from the window,
a young deer
holds at the edge
of the field we clear.
I tally the flicked ear,
and tucked scut,
how the hide shudders
like a sail catching air.
We seem held together
by the glass, immersed
in our separate fears
while my dying father,
whom I will not wake to see,
sleeps beside me in his chair.
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"Held together by the glass"brought me right into the moment and stuck with me. Reading this piece is a sobering experience.
A fine resonance.
Real nice, David.
Should: "we clear"
be "we cleared"?
(now I see how "clear" works...)
I see both with stark clarity, the father in a flash. *
Thanks, Carol, Gary, Matt and Mathew for your generous comments.
The penultimate stanza sticks out for me.
Really fantastic. I love the transition.