by Darryl Price
Your begging hands are hacking me up again like garden
claws that know not the difference
between a delicate
solar powered flower
and a tightening choke of killing
weeds.It's not like it's even
mine to keep-- like a legal
document I'd somehow give over
to you in some kind of forced walk away, of tearful broken awful
treaties. I wouldn't want to,
of that you can be sure. Oh
please don't name it wild and then
call it dangerous.You can
only pronounce correctly
what you will let live this time
around and all the other times too.
It always belongs to just
itself in the end. Befriend the fact by
being as you are,not as they would have you become for their amusement. You could
say I'm but the latest of these modern
keepers, still alive on the nest, but I'm not the only
lost one it will come to in the end;
with its saintly seeking in and out of all space and all
time it will prove its own powerful
freedoms to you above anything and everything
else. It exists without you
and within you. I'm only honored
to give it my own sad little
tongue,my caught in the trope
throat, a heartbeat to travel
along for sending a sonata
of eternal messages to the unguarded heavens surrounding us on earth.
We all shall have our fleeting
agreements you could say with
this mysterious one's holy visit--
like a sudden full moonlight
entering our feverish
dream-tents at night.It comes and it
goes as it pleases but drops
a startling illustrious feather
(or two) my way (only) periodically;
these jewels I will
wear in my own hair as a
sign of respect and solidarity.
But they will be
taken from me by the enemy
sooner or later as war booty.
They will kill me thinking they
have somehow silenced a happy bird,
but angels will lift the difference
with their prayers and
nothing else will be lost forever,
except ignorant doubt
and restless fear.Peace is a
kind of lasting beauty that surpasses
its own meaning and waits.
A Bonus poem:
flames palms the glad air like a kitten's pleasurable mitt on a ball of string; laughter's a hole
to escape through once the going's gotten far
too serious to have enough
forward motion for any real
love to ever happen. It's our dance partner
when everyone else has secretly
long ago disappeared
behind their own fraudulent circle
of half-asleeps. Don't let this happen
to you.Laughter's your pulled silly
face inside the foggy ether. It
will scare the pompous straight and the
tiresomely arrogant will shrink
back like miniature shocked tigers so
surprised by our Mr. Moonlight's voice that they
can no longer bite the young
backsides of the innocent with
their usual frothy and stony-eyed
impunity.Laughter is a fun
magic, a true and ongoing magic coin.Spend it wisely or it simply disappears up your sleeve in a puff of feathers and smoke.
You may never see it buy
you again so much wholesale freedom.Laughter
also works upside down. When
it's a broken thing it can sting you
like a fat whip. You didn't seriously
think it was all for good all
the time did you? That's so funny.
Or sad. Or is it both? Laughter's going
to ask you now the very
latest in questions set before you. It
wants to show you something truly
amazing. But you'll probably
tell it to get lost. That would be
a huge mistake. Well, it's always up
to you. Here's laughter ready to
race you if that's the game you're playing.
And if not then you'll have another shadow boxer
for your shadow playtime,another
added layer to your clay cake of justified choices, for your many layered
selves to pretend to eat. Hint.Just don't place more than you have to give onto the board at any one time.
We might as well. And by that I mean you. I mean me. Who else is listening? This is at best a forest full of promising pools. But beware. There are two sides to the poisons of the world chart. You are being sized up one way or the other. The problem as I see it is how to gracefully decline the awful mirror.Even if we all crowd into the picture at once it's still an illusion. And we still need to be oh so merrily on our way.
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This is shamanistic. We'll write poems with our eyelashes if we have to, with our longing if it's all we've got left, with our dreams. They cannot kill the thing itself nor silence it. The magic that is poetry is beyond their understanding if they think it is only words or that any one poet owns it. Poetry is an honor to behold and to engage with. It requires everything you've got to give, even through your most terrible sorrows,and will not let you be a liar on its behalf.There are those who will come and claim it in the name of one country,one self or another, but they are only fooling themselves out of puffed up con games. It walks freely among us and them.
Now up at Kaffe in Katmandu thanks to Marcus Speh.
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"but angels will lift the difference
with their prayers and
nothing will be lost forever
except ignorant doubt
and restless fear. Peace is a
kind of beauty that surpasses
its own meaning and waits."
Not high praise. The highest praise.
Enjoyed the piece, DP.
Hi Darryl, couldn't find this when you messaged (I think this is the one you mentioned?) Thought of it when you commented on Snowdick, came looking again- This is just so freaking good. Ballsy and tight and beautiful. Big fav.
I'm with Christian. *
When will I get my book Darryl. My shelves demand it.
Thank you Bill, Christian,Sam, Mark and Meg. Much appreciate your comments.