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Two Different Worlds

12211221 views66 comments55 favs

The boy was sure of something,She was just the one. The girl was sure of nothing, Her life had just begun. For him, he'd found his partner, There was never any doubt. For her, he was fine for now, But there was more to learn about. He thought it was a perfect…

The Song of Jerome

10971097 views77 comments55 favs

"My love is with eggs!"

Salon du Monde

940940 views1010 comments33 favs

I sit there reading a magazine while the woman clips my claws. From time to time I watch Kim’s face.


12251225 views99 comments44 favs

The man's dog slipped away one night. He left soon after.


10761076 views55 comments44 favs

I’ll sit up all night, I don’t mind. I don’t have to Go to work, Or Wake up early.

Thanks for Looking After Sinamyn

12261226 views1313 comments44 favs

Here are a few tips/instructions to help you out (though I'm sure you'll do just fine by yourself!):Getting to the Apt.:If you're coming from Riverside, you'll want to turn onto Magnolia. So, if you're coming from north to south on Riverside, that means you'll want to turn…

Five Acts

899899 views55 comments55 favs

The television was playing reruns of Mr. Ed, but it was hard to hear because of the flock of birds in the palm tree. I’d sometimes imagined the birds coming through the window, a swarming of pink cotton mouths, mawing everything in sight.

Noir vs. Noir

941941 views66 comments55 favs

You're sitting in a darkened theatre with Gothic ceilings and one exit watching the latest Alan Ladd film with William Bendix and Veronica Lake.

The Crickets Try to Organize Themselves Into Some Raucous Pentameter.

14381438 views77 comments55 favs

A secret search rolled from Odette's eyes. A gulch split her down the middle and she had the world believing this was the way she liked it. Odette was a woman who spent entire days bending backward within herself, never letting on that she was…

Say What

12051205 views1313 comments44 favs

Jane says to Roy, “What are you doing, Roy?”“Fuck off, Jane, I'm reading,” says Roy.“Well you could have just said so.”“I did.”“I mean just without—”“Yeah, well fuck off anyway.”“I've had…


14741474 views1212 comments44 favs

was yesterday’s dawn breaking in the high sky/ meant for us?


11431143 views55 comments55 favs

It is said that lovers find lips in the dark through secret brain circuitry.

Being In Love Is For High Schoolers Or Middle Aged Divorcees

13241324 views66 comments44 favs

But who am I kidding. We aren’t in love. Being in love is for high schoolers or middle aged divorcees exploring their sexuality. Our love is real, sweaty, backwards, forwards, angry, trusting. We love as you only can after seeing someone at their best and

Deer Doctors Black Earth

991991 views44 comments33 favs

The doctor bargained with us enough but I kept saying “give it a thousand years and we'll think about it.” He seemed to mean well and be smart enough to not be feeding us snakes, but he wasn't a praying man and I couldn't see past that look he used to give my…

We Talk in a Roundabout Way

15881588 views1313 comments66 favs

You are a boy with a birthday bike smiling like our son, standing in a photograph surrounded by other sons, who turn rocks over and over, who keep snakes in plastic bread bags, who find the bones of something wild in the woods. You smile that way still.

The Wedding

10021002 views66 comments55 favs

Anneliese inserted one of her crystal drops in Hymen's left ear and kept her left earring in. For a quarter, she bought a handful of cashews and plopped them on a red napkin.

Sarah Nell

937937 views1616 comments33 favs

There are two, though, that stayed for more than just a little while: Marvin and Oscar. Marvin was married and that's all I have to say about that. Oscar wasn't and it seemed as though he wasn't planning on getting married either. What a petty man he was.

Prisoners (edited)

11871187 views1515 comments44 favs

This cell the sole certainty, all else steeped in mystery. Why should we be here?


14031403 views99 comments55 favs

“What do you call this place?” I didn't really want to talk much in there. For some reason, talking felt too—linear. The words seemed to have a kind of reverberation into associations that seemed somewhat meaningless at the time.”

Philip Guston Painting of the Courtroom

11591159 views66 comments55 favs

While the head of the KKK stands by for the next order, ready to mete out punishment, and smoking a cigar. They are so efficient, like ex-Nazis.

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 24

11211121 views88 comments55 favs

When Frank entered Michiko’s apartment, Michiko was not there.

Fibers(next:our world without ice caps/yipes!)

968968 views1010 comments55 favs

The light they love to hate so much is always pulsating within each life; the unbelievable color sword of what happens next when any two people find each other in their hearts and all pretense is somehow gone, for at…

1994, What I Wanted

11241124 views1212 comments44 favs

Xanax, A hand gun, And the courage to pull the trigger

(give me a real moment with a living god and I’ll go all the way)

441441 views1010 comments55 favs

I remember, when I was selling real estate, how you could always tell when there'd been a divorce. One room was conspicuously left emptied of its contents, and these rooms were never swept or tidied. Instead they were left just as they were when the par

gravelortian part 23

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Can't believe I was able to drive this far

Wintering at Montauk

19351935 views77 comments55 favs

Montauk was the solution. He had no job, no money. He could stay for the winter at the summer place. It would be a lark. He had come home to Great Neck after losing the last job and they were making broad hints at him to move…

In the Garden

10571057 views1212 comments44 favs

It will always be this way/ won’t it, she said. Me insecure, you unfaithful

Sounds Came & Went

514514 views55 comments55 favs

"...regurgitating double A's all akimbo."

some poetry will shut you up

11441144 views77 comments55 favs

o christ/ here you are again/ you sickness appearing in my brain/ pouring smog from my jaw/ my body hot and cold as though sleepless/ while i could sleep/ centuries/ undisturbed/ and awaken, tireder still./

Hoss Men (divided)

10141014 views66 comments44 favs

Agents I have little idea. Woiwode partly supported his family in the 60s by publishing in The NYer (his friends were De Niro and Barthelme) so perhaps there was little trouble in his finding one. E.W. met his at a bar. He publishes in Paris and Texas.