It will always be this way,
won't it, she said.
Me insecure, you unfaithful
until we die. Or
the Cubs win the
World Series, I said.
But the Cubs did
win the World Series,
she said.
Then let's reverse roles,
I suggested.
I will be insecure.
I could never be
unfaithful, she said,
her bottom lip trembling.
I could be insecure
about that, I offered,
fixing my tie.
There are wounds,
she said, and dreams
of wounds.
Both hurt, I agreed.
The sky opened for
a quarter hour
soaking us both
in the garden. I'm
scared you'll stay, she said.
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i've been working on a new poetry collection--
auditioning poems to include--
here is one of them
yes, you get a vote
This story has no tags.
Clever. Include it!
Thanks, Matthew.
Include it.*
I particularly admired "wounds and dreams of wounds." Makes them impossible to avoid. "Trapped" is the word I think of right after reading this.
"There are wounds,
she said, and dreams
of wounds."
Powerful, Gary. Full of ramifications.
"Dreams of wounds" is a good title. (If not for this poem then for something!)
I think this would be even more powerful in present tense.
Thank you, Jenny. I think I will--
Dianne! Thanks for reading this one, and for your comments--
Bill, thanks for reading this wee poem--and for the good suggestions, which I will try, certainly--
*Elegant poem with a powerful emotional punch. I vote "yes."
Good and powerful.
thank you, nonnie
thanks, kitty, for reading and commenting on this poem