Blue skies greet us as we exit the forest. Early afternoon sunlight reflects from the snow covered ground. I squint while carefully selecting each step on the sloping path to the house. Luv, sitting on my arm, faces the sun with her eyes closed. Uzma follows in our trail.
I unlock the back door, and Uzma says:
"You're still doing that, even way out here?"
"A redundant gesture," I reply: "One of many. It reassures the alarm system everything's okay. I'm programmed, after years of keeping track of my keys, to continue using them."
Little Luv smiles when she sees me watching her standing on the kitchen floor patiently while her mother bends down to remove her pink snow suit.
"Alarm system?" Uzma says: "Do you really need one?"
"People living around here are mostly survivalists," I say: "They belong to one of the several militia factions who conduct training exercises and war games in neighboring areas. I've had no problems stemming from that yet, but it's a growing phenomenon and a potentially volatile situation."
Uzma sits on a chair by the kitchen table with Luv falling asleep in her arms, and says:
"This world, it's becoming an armed camp, ruled by top guns. They should just get on with it and blow one another away."
"They could blow us away, too," I say.
"Yes, I know that," she says: "Which is why it's so important for people to organize now into alternative communities based on cooperation and sharing before it's too late."
"I don't need to ask how, I know what you'll say."
"And you also know this, John," she says: "I would be with my cooperative community in the city right now if it wasn't for the massive, shock and awe raids coordinated by government authorities using privatized security forces, local, state, and federal. They claim the raids were intended to disarm gangs and militia groups throughout the city yet what they've actually done is upset the balance of power, unleashing more chaos and violence."
"Which justifies more raids."
"Yes," she says: "Raids by government contractors owned by multinational corporations run by transnational executive who do not give a damn about the plight of the American working class."
With an air of finality, she rises from her chair at the kitchen table, being careful to not awaken Luv, who sleeps peacefully in her arms.
"I think I'll lay down in the bedroom and nap for awhile, myself," she says: "The forest is inspiring. I can still feel its presence. Thank you, John, for having us here."
"You're more than welcome, Uzma," I reply as she exits the room.
Alone in the kitchen, I begin to worry. The world is changing too fast, what's next? The ability of government agents to infiltrate and influence militia group behavior has been clearly documented. Yet the authorities are not likely to attempt disarming the widely dispersed militia groups outside the city. An alliance between these militia groups and street gangs could become a potent political force. Don would be a perfect future leader for such an alliance. I'm wondering where he's hiding and I'm hoping to hear from him soon.
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546 words
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Fave, John. I follow your story and anxiously await #22. Not certain of the politics, but I sense I am reading about the establishment of a New World Order, undertaken maybe one locality at a time. Perhaps as an experiment to start.
Less lyrical than the two previous episodes but connective. It will be interesting to see how the pieces come together.
"The world is changing too fast, what's next? The ability of government agents to infiltrate and influence militia group behavior has been clearly documented. Yet the authorities are not likely to attempt disarming the widely dispersed militia groups outside the city."
Suddenly had visions of Gen. Jack Ripper.
Enjoyed this piece, J Mykell. *
Hi, David. The politics: number one is opposition to privatization by multinational corporations which is greatly facilitated by the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision giving multinational corporations the power to control USA elections, to privatize USA military, and to privatize law enforcement, local, state, and federal. Opposition could possibly unite the militias and the street gangs into a potent political force that could win back the USA by overturning Citizens United and reestablishing a truely representative government along with regulated, fair markets. Thanks for reading and commenting. I greatly appreciate.
Hi, Gary. Yes, after the two previous episodes in the forest, returning to the kitchen and talking about world conditions creates a lyrical lull, other than Luv. Thanks for reading and commenting. I greatly appreciate.
Hi, Sam. A little Gen. Jack Ripper, maybe. Sterling Hayden definitely. Thanks for reading and commenting. I greatly appreciate.
Uzma and John make an interesting couple, but sometimes it feels like they are lecturing eachother without the intense emotion one might expect from such discussions. They are both so low key. You need one of them to throw a dish. For Uzma, it would be so hypocritical, but I'd love to see her do it.
Oh, and fave*
I'd like to see more sensuality, awkward moment where they notice something attractive or what it might be like to kiss. They're too intellectual. It gets tedious and unrealistic. It doesn't lend any tension to the story. They have to just shut up sometimes and be together. They're so intellectually passionate, but where's the physical?
Hi, Gloria. You're absolutely correct. I am working on that for future episodes and for rewriting previous episodes. I appreciate your suggestions. Thanks.
Reminds me of the coalescing of plains Indians under Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, and, before that, the Iroquois under Powhatan. I sense storm clouds creeping up from the horizon. *