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Why I Love You

10411041 views66 comments77 favs

I love you because your eyes are both crossed When you do it, because you’re focused On the inside of the universe I love you because You’re on a roller coaster Through life And I can ride along For the thrill of it I love you because

The Etymology of Fun

892892 views99 comments66 favs

Tell people of substance the truth.


11951195 views88 comments77 favs

He died in the ditch he dug.

Carrying you

10181018 views66 comments44 favs

I woke up to the humming of an empty space in the shape of a sweatshirt,


10731073 views99 comments77 favs

MOSAIC Your eyes coal-rimmed, busted, burned by betrayal. You and I, knee to knuckle, skinny with disorders and blurred around our edges. Challenged by our experience and the ash of past-love dusting the grate, the state, the…

juvenile haiku

14141414 views99 comments77 favs

leaves of a season/float into a brook among/bubbles fit to burst.

Fear the Future: 25 Brief Tales in Various Keys of Woe, Fear, and Loathing

12521252 views1313 comments66 favs

The three were up early to await the deer with rifles, ammunition, and coffee.

Owen's Song

816816 views1111 comments66 favs

"I hate people"

Toward a Critique of Everything Existing

16111611 views2121 comments55 favs

You got a lot of people, out there

A Pill for a Pill

11931193 views88 comments77 favs

Some things I reject out right. That is I think I disagree As John put it. You can't play the game. I was never Too good at pretending. It's not that I can walk on water, It's that I don't mind getting my clothes wet to get away From all the…


968968 views99 comments66 favs

It's weird to be here. I wonder if you are here too. You'd probably say oh that was years ago. And you would be right. But I like the things we believed in then. Some of them I still do. You're old I guess. You were so pretty and golden in your…

Not Lao-tzu's Yellow Brick Road, xxviii - xxxvii

13331333 views99 comments77 favs

master carvers do not reduce with carving.

He's Just Not That Into You -Part I

10801080 views66 comments77 favs

“Too perfect.” my therapist intervenes in assurance, “You did enough, really. More than anyone else would.” I know the subtext is that I possibly did more than I should. My appointment is coincidentally later that day, after his goodbye letter arrives in

Museum Pieces

10011001 views88 comments77 favs

The lecturers are retired professors from Oxford or Cambridge. They are snarky and wise and aloof.

No, You Don’t Know What I am Thinking

15181518 views99 comments55 favs

Scratch his eyes out, flashed through Edgar's head, scratch his eyes out.

haiku apolitical

12761276 views77 comments77 favs

can they approve, our/gods in our wallets? only/when we tell them to.

The '08 Campaign And the Crash

16611661 views77 comments77 favs

Here's the '08 presidential campaign in a nutshell: The Dems couldn't dredge up a white guy that even the dead in Chicago would vote for, so they went with Obama. Meanwhile, the GOP couldn't dig Reagan up try as they might,…


15311531 views33 comments44 favs

We draw a treasure map in the sandwait for the waves to wash it awayI ask you not to leave me stranded hereIf I'm bound for hell, I don't want to be left behindThe sun breaks through the edge of infinityspills over the line, soaking the sky…

Cottontail Morning

692692 views1313 comments66 favs

A murder of bunnies nibble the St. Augustine,


24652465 views1717 comments44 favs

I was not the first to hear the dog speak, though I was, I think, the first who thought to listen.

Parts 2 Through 5 of a piece called Wilderness of Humanity, or, We Can Always Clean This Thing Up Again

13261326 views77 comments66 favs

2. humility You know what silly does? Silly guarantees that you will enjoy the moment as the moment for the moment. Clowns make fun of silly. Isn't that ironic? They are in essence the opposite of their own image. That's why so many people see them as evil--because you…


11311131 views88 comments77 favs

You are an heiress to drunks. The statues of your forefathers stagger, memorialized by gravity, their faces half-lit eternally, as they reach into refrigerators for another something to keep away the cold empty.


12361236 views88 comments66 favs

you hear the knell of kindness long before its cathedral voices -- a recessional -- barters better times.

A Brief History of The Real

817817 views99 comments55 favs

A little contempuous aside by the critical theorist guy, Frederick Jameson-- that it was logically absurd to call anything that human beings do, produce or effect “unnatural,”-- has brought forth the following. We are…

Saturday at the Pre-owned Super Store

858858 views88 comments77 favs

We do not want to be here. Need ensnares/ and pulls us. We put on its tightened face/ which mirrors what each guest will wear


13371337 views55 comments55 favs

It seems the people of this house were a happy family – The smiling faces, the children’s enthusiasm tells me as much. I wonder what happened to them.

Heart of Hearts

11951195 views99 comments77 favs

In half-dreams she saw a pale alchemist kneeling before a stitched together abomination, witchcraft and science merged, mocking God’s fire.

Oed is Dead

928928 views99 comments77 favs

I COULD always sleep. Go "home" now and sleep. My body and my fetus—who complain of this torture—would appreciate sleep. I have something to do that is not sleep. I have something to do that is not sleep. I have to try to wake.

I'll be Home for Christmas

11981198 views2121 comments66 favs

She hasn't called me in days. Before calling her, I search my memory for something romantic to say. Shakespeare's Sonnet 73 says exactly what I'm thinking. But she doesn't need to hear it. She already knows, as all human efforts come to an end, my core energies are tapering…

A Breviary

11751175 views99 comments77 favs

Whistle for silence.