by Randal Houle
I'm asking forgiveness in advance: I drink too much scotch, say too many swear words, and am often highly inappropriate. Nice to meet you!!!
Two secrets to keep your marriage brimming :
1. Whenever you're wrong, admit it and
2. Whenever you're right, shut up. (well said, speaking of)
What They Said, Exactly, About New York. "When you write, make sure what you are writing is not the easy way out." (good idea)
There are 428 emails in my inbox. It's no wonder I can't find anything today!! If you're waiting on something important, resend please! (I don't think that is a good idea, just delete it all)
I think I ws in denial that I was taking this trip, if my forgetfulness is any indication. I'm not usually forgetful at all so this is weird. (Oh no, don't get on the plane!)
How much do book editors earn? Peacock Love. (aww…)
“The Government has not shown ... a justification for the interference with Mr. Liu Xiaobo's political free speech.” (And why should any government fear any speech. They did not give the breath that breathes, nor the breather. And what statement can be uttered by free people that must be bound? Neither should the government's message of fear flow so freely, for it is fear that binds our freedom. And what is freedom but the choice between one or the other, and THAT given by a regime of fearful politicians backed by a cowardly media funded by an oligarchy of hate and division. Dada, save us.)
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A little fun here. I clipped actual twitter posts and put some of them together for this exercise. My comments are in parentheses.
I made no editing passes on the tweets. All errors are as they appeared on the original tweet as though clipped as text from a newspaper. I did clip names and other extraneous words to help the work meld more easily and in a couple paragraphs, I put two or more tweets together to complete a thought.
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love that form & what came out of it. wisdom of our over-connected times: " If you're waiting on something important, resend please!" i wrote a twitter cum story piece a few months back but nobody wanted to publish it. it was too sexy, i think. "Dada, save us." right.
Fun! Dig it! *
Enjoyed this piece - "How much do book editors earn? Peacock Love. (aww…)"
Great voice and form, Randal -- The closing works so well here.
Oh my gosh, it is like twitter flarf. Excellent.
excellent! great fun read #amtweeting *
Nice, Randal!
Randal, are you familiar with the flarffers on Facebook and Twitter? Your piece reminded me of them, and their re-posts of twittery tweets (hey, is that a Michael Jackson send-up, no? Well close enough). I enjoyed this, wonder if you need to use the parenthesis, or just your own words inner-mingled? Not sure.