by David Ackley
Whistle for silence,
giving no thought to the baleful
sound of paradox.
Be vicious but not beyond belief.
You are my child, my goat,
my end of days
Stay inside the gate,
the gate of pleasure or
death your father passed through,
who has not yet returned
to tell you which.
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Very, very nice.
This poem and that very long short story set in the north are my two top favorites of your work.
A good read. Especially like the closing stanza.
Thanks, Mag, Carol and Sam for the generous words.
Bible poetry today ... we shared three poems over Peroni's.
I like an alternate morality, that IS moral, and I like the word goat, and I like a goat over a lamb any day. The turns in this brief poem are glorious. *
Really good stuff... The paradox running from the first... Whistle for silence... I'd love to hear you read this.
"You are my child, my goat, / my end of days"
Lovely poem, David.
Thanks Ann, Steven, Sally and Bill for the more than kind words.