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336336 views66 comments77 favs

The moment you realize love is never finding you everything evaporatesdroplets of dew are everywherethe sun doesn't have to penetrate a cloudfor you to feel the sunshine pulling weeds is like drinking a glass of water sweat falls down…

Fat Cats, Happiness and Laptop Love -- What I Learned From Magazines This Week

10181018 views44 comments44 favs

The Utah State Attorney General's office recently stated in a court filing that there is no constitutional right to marry a laptop.(Time, 6/19/17)Smartphones are spreading head lice.(New York, 7/10/17)People are less helpful when it's hot.(Time, 7/24/17)Online virtual…

Intro to Philosophy

10131013 views66 comments55 favs

We now live in post-Postmodern Absurdist fear of course, says our smiling Prof. That’s the price we pay he tells us. . . .


776776 views55 comments55 favs

My God is not a God of chance, she said.The year was youth and it was our first dance.She wanted to make sure we agreedlove is for God and lust is for Satan.Of course I do, I said. You're safe with me.Neither of us had moves and were relievedto stand in the corner and…


775775 views22 comments11 fav

CALEBHe'd get up every day,don his clothes and tendto rote ablutions. He tried not to think too much.Because he knew what that would bring --the tethers he lost; failed causes,the last lover, who knew some things.Instead, he kept his eyes straight ahead,marked time,…

Another Irresolute Essay on Lit and Crit

949949 views33 comments33 favs

. . . we agree that formal standards for identifying literary merit exist and are capable of being discerned, not merely of being ascribed. —but is this itself true?

Boy's Worst Friend

13071307 views44 comments33 favs

After dinner, I looked forward to taking a shower and cleansing myself of the day’s mishap. Cher had other plans.As I left the bathroom, Cher nipped me in the butt, taking my towel, skin, and blood with her. I remember writhing on the floor outside my sis

Spider and Fly Cafe

10391039 views1111 comments77 favs

I saw it coming from five feet

Until We See Again

848848 views33 comments33 favs

I saw a big dog By the side of the road I saw a small deer By the side of the road A little maroon water in a glass As I was driving home Under darkness With the wind that was under a rose New blood will fill the earth And we must lo

What We Know but Can’t Describe

10811081 views2323 comments1212 favs

We know them just enough/ to recognize them when we find them.


979979 views77 comments44 favs

I’d look for a fork and quickly stab a piece of it and bite into it, feeling good about the finality of things.

Sea Bubbles

938938 views66 comments55 favs

"I don't know why you say good-bye, I say hello."--The Beatles Things fall from the clouds. Things fall from thefloor. Maybe through, maybe all the way.Everyone argues for their homeland.Someday I'd like to hold your hand. I'mstill dreaming. I hope it continuesto rain…

A Brief Conversation With A Man Who Fell Off a Cliff

11491149 views1313 comments1212 favs

I asked him where he hurt and he said everywhere.

The World’s Food Shortage Problem is Solved with My Insect-Enlargement Gun!

748748 views44 comments11 fav

People of Earth, a better tomorrow has come. I’m near bursting with pleasure to report that the global community needn’t worry any longer about food shortages and famine and the like. Why? My patented insect-enlargement gun!

How Poets Die

12541254 views2121 comments1616 favs

Mark Strandover decadesa steady diet of dictionenlarged his heartone day it just burstRobert Frosta crazy ideathat he couldbuild a wallwithout mortar tookpossession of his mindhe piled stoneon stone higherand higher untilthey toppled overcrushing him beneath Wilfred…

Transcription of Audio: Meeting with Miss Jewel Eppinette

10831083 views1212 comments1313 favs

No one has touched me for a long, long time and I believe that is why I am dying. This is a notion that is new to me but it has persisted over the last few weeks and I believe I finally have apprehended the truth. There was a time, I remember all too well, when I might…

Good Deed Punished (Matthew IV)

12041204 views1616 comments99 favs

homelessness, you called the lie,

Carpe Diem

10111011 views66 comments44 favs

And as you try to read, he appears. No, not in front of you, but somewhere just behind your eyes. You hear the sound at the end of an argument, just before the kiss; you see a shirt fall to the ground in late summer; you watch him read as his mouth

Drinking the Wild Virgin

838838 views44 comments33 favs

I really think we ought to be drinking The Wild Virgin again I remember having a beer once And feeling like a minor god, yes Just like you did So, now, listen to me: if she snores all night That’s one thing But if she screws the lights out


912912 views88 comments44 favs

These days, you seem to disappear like bread tasted and devoured

Domestic Sketches

923923 views55 comments33 favs

The cats sniff at the small opening,/ one by one, in a furtive casualness./ They think the outside air is sweet

To Do List

12211221 views88 comments99 favs

Throw them up there but try to make it look tidy. Try to become a little bit paranoid, just enough that you slightly overestimate how much they think of you at all.

My History With Bras

12391239 views1010 comments99 favs

"Maybe so, but you have seen those photos in the National Geographic, right? Do you really want to risk it?" she demands and I sigh in defeat. I wake up at midnight, hot from too many blankets and pull my bra off through the sleeves of my shirt. I th

The Story You Wanted

10931093 views55 comments55 favs

For I would draw a diagramTo signify the things I amBut I think you know--Todd Rundgren The door was opened before me. I know that's not a good way to start out on an adventure, but it is what happened to me. I didn't see any beckoning light, I felt a crazy urge, like…

Lunch Business

887887 views66 comments33 favs

It's lunch in the car time at 5:30 pm The car sits next to the mattress delivery truck in hope of receiving a blanket of shade

Everything the Traffic Will Allow

10571057 views88 comments77 favs

there’s more to life than poontang but not when you’re sixteen and your hands are full of heavy breasts

The Summer Reading Program -- A Librarian Tells All!

18721872 views55 comments44 favs

It's July, which, if you work in a public library, means that the Summer Reading Club is in full swing. The SRC used to be just for kids, to motivate them to read when school wasn't in session. But in recent years many libraries have expanded the program to include…

A Jenga Piece a Time

905905 views33 comments11 fav

Ryuu looked up and saw color seep back into his life. Warm hues reached for his numb heart. His body's coldness was thawed with the tender embrace that wrapped around him so tight he couldn't let go if he had wanted to.

On the Bench (Matthew III)

11771177 views1414 comments77 favs

turn your face


10021002 views55 comments66 favs

He opened an old book,flipping through its yellowedpages. A small piece of blue paperfell to the floor; he picked it up."Meet Tom at 4:00. Julius Bar."Standing there, Tom appearedas he sat down with the note,putting Tom back together:Tall, he remembered; Irish,green eyes…