by Jerry Ratch
I saw a big dog
By the side of the road
I saw a small deer
By the side of the road
A little maroon water in a glass
As I was driving home
Under darkness
With the wind that was under a rose
New blood will fill the earth
And we must love the time we have
Until we see again
The time we never had
We should make the sun rise
The air forget
And do it with a minimum
Of singing or regret
There's no smoking
In the meadow
No smoking
In the mirrors
Forest without trees
No smoking there
Public urinals
No smoking there
The last thing you will see is
180 dark shadows
Taken to the stars
Taken to the stars
New blood will fill the earth
And we must love the time we have
Until we see again
The time we never had
We should make the sun rise
The air forget
And do it with a minimum
Of singing or regret
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169 words
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song lyrics
Good lyrics. Deep and eloquent stuff.
We should make the sun rise
The air forget
And do it with a minimum
Of singing or regret
That's it.*