by Jerry Ratch
I love you because your eyes are both crossed
When you do it, because you're focused
On the inside of the universe
I love you because
You're on a roller coaster
Through life
And I can ride along
For the thrill of it
I love you because
Of the laughter
That surrounds us both
When we are near each other
I love you because you
Know what to do
With your lips
I love you because
There's a light moving toward me
In the sky when you come near
And you are the star that appears
I love you because
I think I was lucky
To meet you
And that kind of luck
Ain't so easy to find
I love you because you told me once
I was even better than your Weimaraner, Alfie
And that I needed to give myself
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I love THIS. Especially the last stanza.
"I love you because
Of the laughter
That surrounds us both
When we are near each other",
Wonderful poem.
Great stuff.
I love you because
I think I was lucky
To meet you
And that kind of luck
Ain't so easy to find
The truth.*
*, Jerry. Exceptional Poem.