by Darryl Price
For I would draw a diagram
To signify the things I am
But I think you know--Todd Rundgren
The door was opened before me. I know that's not a good way to start out on an adventure, but it is what happened to me. I didn't see any beckoning light, I felt a crazy urge, like being covered in blue paint, the only
thing in my medicine pouch. And it was enough to set me off. I supposed there would be dangers to meet, but a part of me just didn't care, not that I wanted to be hurt by things in the dark that could bite
or possibly hit with darker thicker sticks than mine. I just couldn't wait any longer. I'd already folded up your precious tears to take along with me for cold comfort. My own tears would have to wait for the next train. I never looked back, not for a long time, and
when I did I only felt a terrible sadness for those still stuck in the golden molasses of a lost childhood like mine. How could I keep my dreams wrapped about me for so long? I may never know, but I believed in a sweet dove-eyed
angel calling my name when I most needed it and some sunshine. That's the true story. I've never been alone, except in this godforsaken world. Otherwise I've always felt a benevolent spirit living in my mind that knew how to
listen and provide a palpable relief to the terror in my body, so I could breathe again. I'm not like the older brothers who are convinced they don't need to be forgiven. I need small daily miracles just to get up and face
another day, get up in the morning and believe in everything again, that I somehow deserve to know these next new hours and minutes. I got tangled up for a while in all these feeling words. Well, I could either
lay there and suffocate or start to arrange them into a new way out of my latest sorrow. I found a way to speak and the thorns parted. But there was no princess in a glass case waiting for my wizened approach.
There was only the same yet different road stretching out past the mysterious trees. There was only grey stones and crumbling walls built so long ago no one knew who first put them there. It wasn't
another floating door, but it might as well have been a good enough reason to laugh. Life began to throw its trappings of grief on me, and this weighted me down like a diver in an old black and white TV show. You know
how the rest of the story goes, I don't. I'm still living it out, and pulling myself through the long tunnels of so-called truthful mirrors, looking for something like love inside all the abrupt changes. I guess I always am going to need an old
friend around, like the wind. I found one in music. I found music in the rain. I could always serenade myself with the trees and their lovely leaves. The stars all have ready flutes in their hands. And I added my own
made-up poetry. Well. We've played in a lot of scary cities around the world's desires, but of course the best musicians must pack up their saltry instruments each night and try to make it on time to the next big gig in the sky.
I couldn't be anybody else, not like you. I don't admire it, but neither do I despise it. I don't even understand it or pretend to. So let me scratch out the hello part of this and just say goodbye, sorry if I bothered you.
Bonus poems:
Together by Darryl Price
I don't mind being with a river. It
reminds me of you. I don't mind being
lost beneath all these spreading clouds. My speck of life
is a very grateful spot to be. I
know the turning world will turn me out eventually,
but here I am for noe all sandwiched nicely between the many
colored strands of the sun's morning rays and a full stomach. I
can breathe without you I've found, still feel the love from the universe. Let
myself respond in the most vulnerable of positions. I
don't mind being alone with this river right now. It
seems to be thinking about it all, too. Well I'm not
sure where the dreaming starts or ends for either of us right
now. I can heal without you around, feel the
love that is life. There will come a moment when I
will turn away from this vision because it
cannot stay the same forever. If I do not
move I will fall into a nothingness; before
time completes me. I can lift my heart alone,
embrace the love I know. I don't mind having met
this wild river. It has taught me its
story of being, inviting me to swim in
its unique water. I'll remember the cold happy feeling for as long as I live.
This poem is our handshake, our hope together. Goodbye old
River. Good to talk with you in silence. Enjoyed your rushing away answers. dp
Between Clocks (The Turnaround)
I've got to let go of everything. I keep crashing
into things I think I know. I don't know shit.
I know I will die, but who knows what that
goes to. I wrote some poems, they tell me, but
they don't tell me anything I don't already know about myself. I've
been everywhere I hated at one time or another in
my life. I've got to let go of it all now.
There is nothing here I believe in that equals the story
of your lovely face. I don't want to hear that story
again, because I feel lost from all love at this moment. Doing anything where
you're not. But I'm breaking into every line only to
find another sentence buried underneath. Even Beauty without her masks
makes me trip and fall deeper into more trouble than ever. Pretty
words can go straight to hell, and I must go on from here.
I'm not the lucky one here. Not like you. I'm
not your friendly ghost. I'm not anyone's friendly anything. I'll always
be the forgotten stranger on the remembered boat. Questions to me
are their own answers. Answers to me are questions. The fading sad
poems I've got left are all I could come up with to send you in either
case. I've always been one with the fools. I've got
to let everything go now. Happy New Year's Eve. Merry Christmas, 1963.
Goodbye to all that kid dreaming. Whatever I've found pushed me
in and away from all of you. But in my mind, I'm
never far from turning the key to home. In my mind, I'm
close to overcoming true loneliness. But my heart hurts my head. Maybe that's
not what you want to hear, it's certainly not what
I wanted to say. But I've got to let go of
everything. I know it. I'm not even sure if I
could take on any new thoughts within me. When we were
given our chunks of time I believed in a forever. Now
I know the illusion is an alliance between clocks and
Eternal hoping. I don't mind. I see it's beautiful for some. I'd
like to see it remains undisturbed for them. Everything must go back
into everything else in the end. That's all. All the beautiful faces. All
the lovely smiles. All the ringing bells of laughter. All
the tears. They don't belong to us. We might belong together. I'm not
saying that to get you to turn around. You can't find me,
and I wouldn't want you to. I'm glad and I'm
sad, but I'm not sorry. We are citizens of the stardust kingdom.
And you were someone I noticed right away as being
worth the journey inward. It's nothing new. You were and
are my own favorite light to see by in the familiar
darkness. Now I see in the dark quite well. We've
all adjusted our headsets to meet the new millennium. I
only wanted to remind the road's leaves to remind me again about the need.
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“The reason you enjoy music is because of its unlimited potential, the inability to really understand it.” --Alex G.
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"The stars all have ready flutes in their hands."
Beautiful.This and the whole story.
I find this such an interesting piece. Poets tend to be very aware of the placement of their marks across the white space: lineation, verse-form in all its myriad forms, these are the tools of poets. And the first half of this brings this awareness to what is ostensibly a prose composition. The breaking into lines-of-three allows the eye to pause, to take in and absorb what has gone before. So a repetitive refreshing. This is a kind of refrain tactic that a poet might use. Yet this particular variation seems to me quite novel. I'm fairly widely read, but I haven't come across this pattern before. It works. It works really well.
Erika and eamon--thank you!
"You know
how the rest of the story goes, I don't. I'm still living it out, and pulling myself through the truthful mirrors"
More and more wonders!
I had to be in the right frame of mind to appreciate this, Darryl. I am now, and I appreciate it.