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Nothing to Worry About

918918 views22 comments22 favs

The boss has a serious problem--he's too nice for his own good.

"But Stringing Up Darkies Is"

14641464 views77 comments55 favs

The cat's on the floor fussing with the plastic bag from the liquor store. There are tiny scratches and bites on my hand. The TV is fully concerned with liquor-induced violence. "These people are thirsty." I'm the same, but my needs are met. Prohibition's over. …

You Do Not Exult Over the Held-Out Heart

707707 views22 comments00 favs

You can’t know everything you want to know, about anyone. (Especially about me!) You can’t even know everything you want to know about Sharon, and I probably know more than you do. In fact, I’m sure I do. For instance, did you know about that guy

Shenanigans 4: mutual and selective congratulation

916916 views00 comments00 favs

" ... that’s a seriously good result for an opening night."

Drinking an Orange Julius While Listening to Pink Floyd

17961796 views2525 comments1212 favs

I was strapped for cache

Anhedonia (excerpt 2)

12861286 views22 comments00 favs

Crazy. I really hate when people use that word.

Marylou's Baccalaureate

10241024 views88 comments11 fav

In between ketchup-covered fries, a Quarter Pounder, and a vanilla shake, catty comments, and lots of laughs, Marylou slipped in her announcement, a grenade in a rose garden. “I'm pregnant,” she said.

The Boy from Thuringia

12061206 views22 comments11 fav

“The Boy from Thuringia” is part of a series of stories collectively called The History of Adoption. In it, a middle-aged man sets out rather obsessively to write a comprehensive history of the adopted child. In his attempts to finally begin this im

He Drank

13191319 views55 comments33 favs

Excessively. And this worried her, of course.


11801180 views77 comments22 favs

This is what it is to feel yourself forget.


12371237 views1818 comments44 favs

Why is the sky grey he asked meI don't know, I saysudden flashes of light snowbloat the cloudssea gulls are squawkingexpect them to peck at my headI have nothing to feed them


11521152 views00 comments00 favs

Warranties are what made America great, although hers has expired and the mailbox will remain empty for another fifteen days.

Our Terror Closet

13931393 views22 comments22 favs

"Honey," I called out to my wife. "Why do we have Spam in the closet?" "You mean unsolicited bulk messages sent electronically?" "No--the canned, precooked meat product made by the Hormel Corporation."

Water, Water Everywhere

11871187 views1212 comments1010 favs

Later I asked Mark if he wanted to watch, but his wife wouldn’t let him. She didn’t like kinky stuff, she said.

A Little Bird That Sings and Itches

771771 views44 comments11 fav

I guess it was a foregone conclusion that you would be gone at the end of the year. A foregone conclusion that you wouldn’t be coming back, and that after you began writing letters to Sharon saying what you would do to her when you did come back in th

Searching for Samuel Beckett

15841584 views4242 comments1818 favs

At the Cimitiere Montparnasse he offers the girl his raincoat. I'm searching for Samuel Beckett, he says, and holds an umbrella over her as she consults her map. We're close, she says, pointing. I'll go with you. Then we can visit Simone de Beauvoir. My name is Scarlet.…

Still Life (55 words)

12151215 views1313 comments66 favs

It wasn't so much the softness of the bed that kept her from sleep, or the pungent bleach-scent of the unfamiliar sheets, but the lack of her clock's familiar tick, tick, tick. Or was it a missing heartbeat? Awake, she watched his chest. On the table, an empty pill …

Flipper Avoids the Tuna Can

14201420 views99 comments33 favs

I used to sneak away to my bedroom to write. I would get away any chance I could to jot down on paper my stories, my ideas, the rich stream of goodness that sprang from my little baby creative brain. It was pure joy.

Shenanigans 3 - Appreciation

871871 views33 comments00 favs

... if he planned to install them in their bedroom she would find them more than a little distracting.


15091509 views11 comment00 favs

The sun browbeat me relentlessly, like a one-eyed judge with an unforgiving heart.

A Cormorant on Fort Point Channel

724724 views33 comments00 favs

I walk past World Shaving Headquarters, he surfaces again down where I turn to return to Summer Street and work, the daily bread and all that.

I Like You ‘Cause You Like Me

14601460 views22 comments22 favs

And you don't like much. No handholding or brand name sweaters. No phone calls late at night. This is not you. And you certainly don't go for kisses in the rain or cards from the grocery store with…

Boredom & Ennui

19851985 views00 comments00 favs

I had a weird feeling I had just validated his behavior — provided another tile in the mosaic of his ego and self-esteem — by doing nothing more than entering this hall of mirrors, and reflecting.

Mid - Loss

10191019 views11 comment00 favs

Mid-Dawn//Mid-Dusk -- Wait for me.

The Secret Life

17701770 views2121 comments1616 favs

When we were very young, we didn't tell because we didn't know any better. Now we are six, and we don't tell because no one has believed us since we told the story about the vampire upstairs. Now we're twelve, and we don't tell because our family's weird enough, living…

Initial doubts

938938 views44 comments00 favs

"Well, you certainly can't be marrying him then .. "

Event Particle

565565 views22 comments11 fav

Together they explore availabilities

Flying Into the Sun

663663 views77 comments11 fav

To answer your question, “Do you think you left your soul there?”… No, my soul isn’t floating around in your bedroom anymore… you took it with you when you walked out my door for the last time. Well, maybe there’s still just a little


10531053 views33 comments22 favs

And, if you look real close, you see there’s a bullet hole next to his left ear. A stray one went past his head and straight through Santa’s heart.


10801080 views88 comments44 favs

I rifled through the bedside table until I found dirty magazines