"Oh, abracadabra," she muttered.
I look down at my free of clothing genitalia and curiously note that the testicles sprout from above my erect penis, and my scrotum is so taut, hard and shriveled as to conjure squished images of a gigantic pink peanut.
I weighted her so she would be suspended in the water. Sometimes late at night I would go down to the edge and listen to her bump against the filtration system. The sound she made was soft and low like a strange drum.
Too young to stay interested for long in the words I was reading. My father said the man was very intelligent and most of his writing was hard to understand.
Until the ivy hides me in
The man of a thousand faces was defunct.
Who ever saw an open upright pop bottle on the street?
Mask the stench/
with frankincense.
She asks if I would like to join them.
It came up heads so he is going first. He puts on a condom and gets in
Jim twisted the skinny trunk of his body in a fast, violent jerk just as the cop grabbed the buckle of his left Harley Davidson boot. When the boot flopped off, Jim found himself sitting upright, ready to jump up and run. But then he felt the baton lock down on his…
They politely urged him not to get too involved with his creations.
A screaming comes across the brain
This is the best kind of crime scene.
Spattered like gore from gunshots,
I'm left covered in trace evidence.
Walking east, he pauses,
Picks a cassava,
Cleaves the melon in two;
He tears juicy chunks
Of flesh to cleanse the blade.
My mind has started to finish thoughts at 77 Words. These are just a few.
My beloved lets me crawl into bed
and put my feet on him
since his skin is
warm and hot like a fire roaring from within
his soft flesh.
It isn’t easy being the #1 Jewish lesbian revolutionary bank robber in America–every Rebecca and Rachel who comes down the pike tries to knock you off.
The stainless steel tiles are cool upon the soles of her feet. Attendants have arranged all of her equipment, both digital and mechanical, including ink and needles. An overhead screen snaps into view, and his young muscled body is revealed.
The items were not selected. The people were not forced to choose, with tears and a suffocating feeling.
I call him a Staffordshire terrier. You call him a pit bull. Some people say he's lovable. Other people say he'll bite your face off without thinking too hard.
Chant the ice cream mantra.
Prance the do dah day ballet.
Trot the t-bone tango two-step.
Dance the livelong day away.
He calls it an owl glass: he’s allowed: he’s six.
The abundances of age/
are of commodities/
no known demographic values:
To make your own, obtain a book with blank pages. Collect materials; postcards, photographs, magazines. Make rules to determine what you do with them. Write things down. Make other rules to determine whether you write in the book or on pieces of paper
Snoopy flies in today. His goggles scratched, one ear torn and bleeding, but his eyes aglow.
Connor didn't bother to wait in the line of busy professionals, opting to cut in front of the sign that announced "Line Forms At Other End."
...society has tampered with its denotation so much that it is almost incomprehensible without context.
When I was 14 I accidentally heard a woman saying behind my back